RMT Opposed To Fit for the Future Supervisor Training

RMT reps at the Fit for the Future Joint Working Party have raised our opposition to this process. There is no agreement with any trade union to proceed with these development events. However, LU has imposed this process as it starts to implement Fit for the Future while refusing to enter into meaningful negotiations.

Canteen Workers To Strike For Unfairly Sacked Rep Brother Mihaj

Further to my last letter, RMT members at Sodexo voted in favour of industrial action in defence of Petrit Mihaj, your RMT Rep and Activist who has been so disgracefully victimised and sacked by your employer.

An Employment Tribunal has totally vindicated Petrit and ruled he had been unfairly dismissed for his trade union activities. These trade union activities involved supporting, organising and representing RMT members at Sodexo, trying to ensure you are all fairly treated by a bullying employer.

Central Line Suspended As Masonry Falls On Track

The RMT's Trains Health and Safety council (THSC) have responded to an incident today which saw masonry fall onto the track at Mile End on the Central line.

The council is seeking further information on what could have been a very serious incident, and have written to LUL bosses for further details.

The Letter
Could you supply us with all the information you have on today's incident at Mile End Station. We gather that lumps of masonry, as large as a dot matrix, fell approx 10ft from the station roof to the track at the W/B starter.

Bakerloo Branch Newsletter July 2014

In the July edition of Bakerloo News:

  • Reinstate Dave Hanson: Sacked...without evidence!
  • RMT Bakerloo: winning for workers
  • Support locked-out ISS cleaners: Initial could be next!
  • Union Learning update
  • What is Bakerloo News?
  • Stand by for more action in LU jobs dispute - We still say: no to cuts and closures!
  • Brian Munro, 1968-2014

Women's Lunch Southbank Centre

The London RMT Women's Lunch will be at the Southbank centre on August 14th from 1pm until about 4pm. If it is sunny we will be sat outside on the terrace otherwise inside with an RMT flag as a tablecloth so you can see us! The Southbank centre has got a bar/cafe but you can also bring your own food and drink so we usually bring crisps and dips etc.
This is a regular monthly meeting, very relaxed and a chance to catch up with other women in your union.