RMT Motion Highlights Concerns About Treatment Of Brother Moriarty

This Branch calls upon the General Grades Committee to instruct the General Secretary to raise with LUL at highest level the ongoing treatment of Brother Jason Moriarty.

The Branch is concerned that LUL management are acting maliciously by giving credence to numerous and ridiculously false allegations against our member.

RMT Preparing Ballot Of Locked Out Cleaners

Our members working for ISS on the London Underground Contract have been in dispute with their employer for many months over the use of a Biometric Fingerprinting to book on for duty. We had been in talks with the company but now this process has been imposed by the company on our members. As a result of this imposition, our members have been reminded of the union’s instruction that they should refuse to use the Biometric technology and should continue to use the agreed manner to book on.

Canteen Strike Begins Next Monday

Branches will be well aware of the case of Brother Petrit Mihaj who was dismissed by Sodexo earlier this year. An Employment Tribunal has ruled that he was unfairly dismissed for his Trade Union Activities but despite winning, there is unfortunately no obligation on the company to reinstate him. The judgement was scathing of the treatment he has received and pointed out numerous failings by the Company during the investigation and suspension leading to this unfair dismissal.

Sodexo - why we are striking !

Please download, print and display around your workplace.


Attached is a pdf that explains the importance of defending sacked RMT rep Petrit Mihaj
Remember , Petrit has won an Employment Tribunal against his employer who attached no blame whatsoever to Petrit.
Sodexo have dismissed Petrit solely because he was a RMT rep carrying out legitimate trade union activities
Sodexo should do the decent thing and reinstate him immediately

every job matters walkabout

Functional reps from both RMT & TSSA will be on a walkabout across the whole combine next Thursday and Friday, Aug 7 & 8th.

I am asking all local reps/activists to try and come along in their area to assist in us talking to as many people as possible.

We need to bolster support, build confidence and understand the strength of feeling on the ground for any future possible industrial action.

I appreciate it is short notice but if you are able to help out please let me know.
Contact me by email or text.


tel: 07578769943

In solidarity