RMT Slams Tube Bosses For "Winging It On Safety" As Power Control Strike Extended

Joint strike action by tube power control staff extended a further week to 22 July as RMT hits out at flagrant breaches of safety.

Mick Cash RMT acting general secretary said

"This dispute is over an all-out attack on the power control grade that would hit pensions, length of service and working conditions and damage the futures of this key group of tube workers. Management’s claim that they can run the system without them is both provocative and dangerous.

Support The July 10th Fightback

A number of unions have called industrial action to take place on Thursday 10th July. Public sector workers are protesting the imposition of a 1% pay rise – which would represent yet another year where their living standards decline (taking into account inflation).

Irrespective of whether the UK economy is in a sound position, the country is already and is predicted to continue registering growth. And workers must take their share – as many are expected to do.

TfL Members To Hold Pay & Pensions Strike On July 10th

Transport for London staff join July 10th strike action in fight over attack on pay and pensions
RMT members at Transport for London will be taking a further 24 hours of joint strike action from this Thursday morning, coinciding with widespread national industrial action in the public sector, in a dispute over an all-out attack on pay and pensions that would condemn to staff to a life of poverty in retirement.

Members have been instructed not to book on for any shifts that commence between:-

  • 05.59 hours Thursday 10th July 2014 and 05.58 hours Friday 11th July 2014.

RMT Condemns ISS Sacking

TUBE UNION RMT today slammed cleaning contractor ISS for sacking at least one tube cleaner – and sending home many more workers without pay today – for following a union instruction not to book on for shifts using Biometric Fingerprinting Machines.

The agency cleaner was sacked after refusing to use the biometric system to sign on for work at Heathrow Terminal 4 this morning.

Jubilee Line Industrial Action Suspended



As you know, members voted in favour of industrial action over the withdrawal of rest days by Tube Lines management on the Jubilee Line Permanent Way. Members were instructed to take industrial action short of a strike in the form of taking official meal breaks whilst on duties from Midnight tonight.

Cleaners' Solidarity Demo

Venue: Old Palace Yard, Westminster, SW1P 3JY
Urgent: Demonstration tomorrow in solidarity with ISS cleaners
09.00 Tuesday 8th July Old Palace Yard (opposite Parliament)

You will be aware that we are still in dispute with ISS over their plans to impose a Biometric Fingerprinting system to book on for duty. We had reached agreement that the company would allow the old booking on system for two weeks while we continued to talk. These talks have unfortunately failed to reach agreement.

Power Control Strike - Safety Information

  • LUL document reveals power control strike could lead to line suspensions
  • Attached below is LUL 'change assurance plan' and information which can be displayed in depots and other relevant workplaces.

As you may be aware our power control room members are currently taking industrial action. This action started at 20.00hrs on July 1st and is scheduled to run until the 20.00hrs on July 15th.

The Train’s Safety Council met with management prior to earlier planned action by these workers to discuss how this would impact on the safety of drivers.

RMT Pledge As Docklands Light Railway Take Over Approaches

RMT pledges to defend jobs and conditions as Keolis take over DLR from SERCO in December

RMT acting general secretary Mick Cash said.

"RMT members on DLR are deeply concerned that we will be facing a major period of upheaval in the run up to December when Keolis take over from Serco.

"RMT will fight to defend the jobs and working conditions of our members on DLR and we are seeking an urgent meeting with Keolis to secure the cast iron assurances that our members are seeking. "

Tube Lines Members take Action To Defend Work-life Balance

I write to advise you that your General Grades Committee has considered the ballot result and has decided to call members to take industrial action over the company’s disgraceful withdrawal of your rest days. We believe it is totally unacceptable for the company to deny you properly rostered quality time off away from work.

With effect from 00.01 hours Tuesday 8th July 2014, until further notice you are instructed:

  • To comply with Health and Safety requirements and take your official meal breaks whilst on duty.