TFL Revenue Protection Inspectors 2014/15 Pay deal

The new Pay Deal for the RPI’s which was negotiated and voted on by Unite.

There was a 48.57% turnout. 80.88% voted to accept the 2014/2015 pay deal.

Year 1 3% one off payment lump sum, non consolidated. 3% = £1120.32
Reduction in sick pay to 95%.

Year 2 3% consolidated increase plus shift allowance £1,300
If sickness target is met it will return to 100% if it falls it will drop to 90%

TFL Revenue Protection Inspectors 2014/15 Pay deal

The new Pay Deal for the RPI’s which was negotiated and voted on by Unite.

There was a 48.57% turnout. 80.88% voted to accept the 2014/2015 pay deal.

Year 1 3% one off payment lump sum, non consolidated. 3% = £1120.32
Reduction in sick pay to 95%.

Year 2 3% consolidated increase plus shift allowance £1,300
If sickness target is met it will return to 100% if it falls it will drop to 90%

Reparations Conference

SATURDAY 23rd August 2014, 10am to 10pm

RMT's Annual Reparations Conference

Venue: Bernie Grant Arts Centre Tottenham N15 4RX

International Speaker from the Afrikan community in India.

Receiving reports from community Groups on their Reparations activities and from previous presenters.
This is a FREE conference followed by a social and music.

Part time worker 1 - 0 London Underground

Part timer strikes back – Stunning victory at Employment Tribunal

A part-time RMT member of London Underground Station Staff has won a major victory against LU Management at an Employment Tribunal Hearing. The Employment Tribunal Judges ruled unanimously that London Underground had unlawfully reduced his salary and working hours when they transferred him to a new position in February 2014.

Sodexo - Why we are here

RMT takes fight against global union-busters Sodexo to their London HQ
Campaigners and trade unionist fighting the victimisation and dismissal of RMT union activist Petrit Mihaj will be taking the battle against global union-busters Sodexo to the front door of the company’s London headquarters at 9am this coming Monday, the 11th August.

The protest, 9am Monday 11th August, will take place at:


RMT Issues Call For Support For Latest Demonstrations To Stop The Massacre In Gaza

TRANSPORT UNION RMT today issued a renewed call for the biggest possible turn-out in support of the next round of protests organised up and down the country by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign for an end to the massacre in Gaza.

With nearly 2000 Palestinian’s killed, 10,000 injured and schools, refuges and hospitals targeted, RMT is urging all member’s to join the protests and to ensure a massive and continuing trade union presence on the streets as the PSC campaign forces the voices of opposition into the mainstream media.