Sister Vicky Hayward Sacked Using CCTV Footage Her Rep Wasn't Allowed To See

Further to my previous circular dated 14th August 2014 (IR/208/14) the GGC had considered a resolution from Central Line East Branch over the use of CCTV in a disciplinary case. Despite using CCTV evidence against the member, this evidence was not made available to her rep in order to argue her case. Unfortunately LUL has since decided to dismiss this member who is Sister Vicky Hayward.

Reinstate Vicky Hayward!

GGC decision, 30 September

That we note with regret that on 29 September, London Underground Ltd summarily dismissed Sister Vicky Hayward. We are shocked and appalled that the company chose to disregard all the arguments and evidence that Sister Hayward and her representative put forward, and persisted in using managers' statements as to what they had seen on CCTV footage as "evidence" despite the actual footage having been destroyed.

We note the legal advice received, which confirms that LUL's actions are in breach of data protection law and employment law.

RMT reps meet to discuss further action Thursday October 2 Conway Hall Red Lion Sq 1000

To all RMT London Underground Industrial and H&S Representatives

Fit for the future – Every Job Matters

Please be advised that a mass meeting of RMT representatives has will take place as follows:

10.00 hours on Thursday 2nd October 2014
Conway Hall (Main Hall)
25 Red Lion Square

Management have agreed to release of all RMT Reps for this meeting but this will subject to service requirements and cover. This said release should not be unreasonably withheld.

Please arrive in good time for a start at 10 o’clock sharp.


After the reps meeting at Conway Hall all reps and activists are being asked to come down to the Sodexho HQ in Holborn for a demonstration against a union busting employer.

There can be no greater sacrifice a Trade Union rep can make than to be sacked entirely for Trade Union activities.

An ET has found 100% in favour of Petrit, absolute no fault against him.

This is a unique case. Normally the employer can point to some area of misconduct they use to dismiss.

Latest edition of RMT londoncalling - JWP update

Please download, print and distribute around your workplace

hard copies will be available from Unity House on Wednesday Oct.1 and at the reps meeting on Thursday Oct.2

EJM - Talks update

RMT negotiators have had further meetings with LUL over the last week or so.
Whilst it is true LUL have not completely capitulated and agreed to throw the whole of the FFFS proposals in the bin, we have gained significant concessions;




• SS1 to be mapped over to CSM1

• SS2 to be mapped over to CSM2

Bakerloo News: September 2014

Here is the September / October 2014 edition of Bakerloo News. it has all the latest news for Bakerloo branch members.

In this edition:

  • Every Job Matters - The fight goes on!
  • What is Bakerloo News?
  • Reinstate Alex McGuigan!
  • Cap SATS at an hour!
  • Tree vs Train

Click 'Read more' to view and download this newsletter.

Trainers - Do Not Sign Away Your Job

Dear Colleague,

COO training reorganisation - no agreement reached with your negotiators - do not sign away your job.

I am writing to you in respect of the fit for future for trainers in LUL, this is a similar exercise by TfL to reduce staffing and save money at the expense of jobs and the service provided to the travelling public.

You may have received a briefing from management as follows:-

“At yesterday’s consultation meeting the following was discussed:

  • An update on recent appointments in the training function was provided.

Report: TUC Disabled Workers' Committee meeting, 16 September 2014

The TUC Disabled Workers’ Committee elected two co-Chairs for 2014/15: Sean McGovern and Janine Booth.

Disabled Workers’ Conference 2014 - Resolutions

We looked at all the resolutions passed by Disabled Workers’ Conference in May. A document containing these resolutions will (eventually) be posted on the TUC website – until then, email me if you would like me to send it to you.

Here’s a summary of what we are doing on each:

1. Zero hours contracts and disabled workers

RMT Station Supervisor Suspended For Doing His Job

Please download, print and distribute the attached pdf around your workplace

London Underground management have stood down a station supervisor for doing his job to the letter and following the over time ban - by not being paid to work through his meal break - as directed by the RMT.

The supervisor who faces this attack was also threatened with a drugs and alcohol test. All he did was to take the necessary step of closing the station he was supervising so that he could take a meal break.