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- Attached below is LUL 'change assurance plan' and information which can be displayed in depots and other relevant workplaces.
As you may be aware our power control room members are currently taking industrial action. This action started at 20.00hrs on July 1st and is scheduled to run until the 20.00hrs on July 15th.
The Train’s Safety Council met with management prior to earlier planned action by these workers to discuss how this would impact on the safety of drivers.
The Train’s safety Council asked how if there would be any degrading of the processes to discharge traction current in an emergency and subsequent re-charging of traction current. LU gave assurances at this meeting that there would be no impact to the drivers and all the staff filling in for the striking workers were ‘fully competent’ personnel. We were also informed that staff under-taking these duties at this time would be fully licensed.
Allegations have since arisen that there might be unqualified personnel undertaking these duties and that power control rooms are operating with reduced staffing levels. We have asked for further information about those carrying out these roles and the licencing held by these people.
- LUL Change Assurance Plan"
There have also been reports that current is being left on overnight on alternate lines, this has been confirmed by HSE. In addition to this we have had reports that track workers have refused to carry out work. We have asked for assurances that this will not impact on track integrity and have been given those assurances; however each area may have differing issues as the dispute continues.
The discharge of traction current in an emergency, or indeed at any time if our members need to go on track is a serious concern to us. Understaffed power control rooms with over worked unfamiliar staff are another area of concern.
Our Head Office has raised our concerns with the ORR.
In the meantime, if any driver has concerns for the safety of themselves or their passengers they are reminded of London Underground’s ‘Refusal to Work on the grounds of Safety’ procedure.
For further information contact your local safety representative or any member of the Train’s Safety Council.
RMT Train’s Safety Council.
Read LUL's 'Refusal To Work On The Grounds Of Health And Safety' document here.
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