Mayors debate on the state of London 25 June 2014

Please download, print and display the attached pdf around your workplaces

The Mayor of London is holding his annual ‘State of London Debate’ on 25th of June at the 02. This is a vital opportunity for the RMT and London’s public to intervene and hold the Mayor to his election promise to “keep every ticket office open”, to stop the job losses on the tube and to defend London’s Underground from the Tories austerity attacks to our transport system.

You can get tickets to attend the event. Please go to the website

Fleet Members Balloted To Defend Brother McKoy

London Underground were today notified that we are in dispute and all LUL Fleet members will be balloted for industrial action over the appalling treatment of LU Fleet member Brother Ainsley McKoy.

Brother McKoy has had disciplinary action instigated against him by a COO manager outside their sphere of influence, without any involvement or input from Fleet management. We believe this has serious implications across the whole of Fleet and in particular Call Point Train Maintainers where a manager in another function can feel at liberty to discipline a Fleet member.

RMT, Unite & TSSA In Further Joint Strike At TfL

Further to my last letter I regret to advise you that there has been no progress in our discussions with management despite the solid strike action that took place last month. It has therefore been decided by your General Grades Committee, in coordination with our sister unions Unite and TSSA, to call further joint industrial action in our dispute to defend pensionable pay.

All Transport for London members are therefore instructed not to book on for any shifts that commence between:-

• 05.59 hours Friday 13th June 2014 and 05.58 hours Saturday 14th June 2014.

Jubilee Line Strike Ballot Called

RMT members working for Tube Lines in the Permanent Way Department (track) on the Jubilee Line are being balloted for both strike action and action short of a strike from today in a dispute over the withdrawal of rest days, the union confirmed this morning.

The dispute, which has massive implications for the Jubilee Line services, is over an all-out attack by the management on properly rostered and agreed time off away from work. The removal of rest days would wreck the work/life balance of staff and effectively leave them at the beck and call of their managers.

Tube Driver's Charter

This is the RMT’s updated version of the charter for London Underground train drivers. It lists our key demands and ‘lines in the sand’ – issues which we see as crucial to achieve or defend for those members working in the grade of train driver. Several of these issues are also essential for other London Underground grades and transport workers in all industries.

The charter had an official launch with Acting General Secretary Mick Cash, Trains Functional Rep Dean O'Hanlon, London Transport Executive member Brian Munro and Executive member Del Marr all speaking at the event.

HOLT Day of action - June 13

HOLT Day of Action: 13 June

To link up with the RMT’s national organising day on Bob Crow’s birthday, 13 June, the Hands Off London Transport campaign is organising leafletting of the public and other action to raise awareness of the harmful effects of Tube cuts.

So far, actions are planned at Brixton, Walthamstow, Finchley Central and Kings Cross Tube stations. If you want to organise an event at your local Tube station, please get in touch and we will provide campaign materials.

4.30pm-6.30pm, Friday 13 June.