RMT Rejects 'Hard Man' Boris Attack On Unions

Responding to Boris Johnson’s attack on trade unions this morning, RMT acting general secretary Mick Cash said:

“From Boris Johnson’s wholesale assault on the trade unions this morning it is crystal clear that he has sought to engineer and provoke a dispute on London Underground, by bulldozing through his cuts and closures programme, in order to use Londoners as pawns in his personal crusade for the leadership of the Tory Party.

Strike On As LU Bosses Refuse To Listen To Public Over Cuts

Tube strike action on as London Underground reject RMT proposals
Tube strike action starting this evening, over the closure of ticket office and the axing of safety-critical jobs, is on after London Underground management rejected a series of proposals from RMT negotiators that could have created the grounds for a suspension.
At talks convened through ACAS this morning, RMT set out a whole series of grounds which would have allowed progress to be made, the whole package was rejected out of hand by the London Underground management.

RMT Acting General Secretary Mick Cash said:

The strikes are on - get organised - get on a picket line

Location of RMT picket lines

Bakerloo Branch;
Elephant & Castle – 0500- April 29 & 30
Queens Park – 0455 - April 29 & 30

Central Line West;
White City -0400- 29 & 30 April
West Ruislip – 0400- 29 & 30 April

Central line East;
Loughton - 0445- 29 & 30 April
Hainault- 0445- 29 & 30 April
Leytonstone - 0445- 29 & 30 April

Morden & Oval;
Morden – 0445- 29 & 30 April

Camden No.3;
Golders Green – 0430 – 29 & 30 April
East Finchley – 0430 – 29 & 30 April
High Barnet – 0430 – 29 & 30 April

Pic & Dic west;
Acton & Northfields depots – 0445- 29 & 30 April

Latest proposals - the facts

TSSA has sent out a misleading bulletin which says that all supervisors will get CSM jobs. This is absolutely not the case.

Here is RMT's breakdown of what is actually on offer and how it will affect each grade.

- SS1/SS2 - Guaranteed a CSM position but location and CSM grading (1 or 2) decided by LU on assessment.

- SSMF/SS3 - Guaranteed CSS post but while most SSMF/SS3s work in outer zones the CSS jobs will be mainly in Zone 1.

Blog: LUL Believes They Should Pay Top Earners More

The RMT has made a number of proposals to London Underground of alternatives to job cuts and ticket office closures. All of these have been rejected by the company. One issue raised was bosses pay. In 2012/13, TfL paid 328 people more than £100k. RMT calculate that if this was capped at £100k, £15m would be saved per year.

In response to our proposal, London Underground wrote to the RMT to defend the bosses high pay, citing ‘total annual pay, ‘Long-term incentives’ and ‘Total Direct Compensation’ to name a few. TfL told us they believe that their managers are probably not paid enough:

RMT *Has* Proposed Alternatives to LUL's Cuts - And Here's The Proof

London Underground Managing Director Mike Brown said on the BBC News yesterday (25 April) evening that RMT had not made any constructive alternative proposals to its job cuts and ticket office closures. We have - LUL even wrote to John Leach acknowledging RMT's proposals and replying to them in detail! Here's the proof that Mike Brown lied.

Bakerloo Branch matters

Dear Bakerloo branch member,

STRIKE ON LU – 29th and 30th of April – JOIN THE PICKETS!

BRANCH MEETING – 15:00 hours Monday 12th of May – Nominate RMT General Secretary


STRIKE ON LU – 29th and 30th of April – JOIN THE PICKETS

What Are Tube Bosses Offering?

A misleading bulletin has been sent out which says that all supervisors will get CSM jobs.

Here is the RMT's breakdown of what is actually on offer and how it will affect each grade.

Guaranteed a CSM position but location and CSM grading (1 or 2) decided by LU on assessment.

- Guaranteed CSS post but while most SSMF/SS3s work in outer zones the CSS jobs will be mainly in Zone 1.