RMT Tube Train Driver's Charter

This is the RMT’s charter for London Underground train drivers. It lists our key demands and ‘lines in the sand’ – issues which we see as crucial to achieve or defend for those members working in the grade of train driver. Several of these issues are also essential for other London Underground grades and transport workers in all industries.

Every Job Matters Dispute Report: Trains

The latest edition of 'Every Job Matters: Dispute Report - Trains' has been released as we prepare for five days of strike action over cuts on London Underground. Please print it out and put on your noticeboards, and share on social media.

New Strike Dates Called: Get Ready For Action!

After our recent successful strikes on The Underground your union managed, by solid industrial action and public opinion, to force LU back around the table to consult on their future plans for the job. Your union was expecting the worse and we weren't left disappointed.