RMT Demands Cleaning Services Be Brought Back In House

We note the resolution from the London Transport Regional Council and agree that the union must deal effectively with our members demands and aspirations employed in the cleaner grade. The most effective way for our members concerned to secure decent terms and conditions and social justice in the long term is through industrial trade unionism and rock solid organisation.

Arrest Of Mark Harding A Travesty Of Civil Liberties Say RMT

We note the resolution from the London Transport Regional Council and wholeheartedly agree that the arrest by BTP of Mark Harding, the RMT Branch Secretary of Hammersmith & City Branch was a travesty of civil of liberties. Bro Harding was arrested despite only carrying out legitimate trade union activities whilst on the picket line outside his place of work. We agree that his detention for nearly 13 hours and the draconian bail conditions imposed were extreme to say the least.

Mordern & Oval Branch Newsletter: A Tribute To Bob Crow

Morden Oval Branch News pays tribute to RMT General Secretary Bob Crow who passed away recently.

On Tuesday March 11th 2014, the sad news reached us that Bob Crow; leader of the National Union of Railway, Maritime and Transport workers had died of a heart attack. It was shocking news. Many of us who knew or had met Bob, appreciated he was much more than the portrayal the right wing press and it’s counterparts loved to vilify. Bob was amicable, modest and highly approachable to anyone who wanted a word with him.

RMT Deeply Saddened by Death of Comrade Tony Benn

Former Labour MP and Cabinet Minister Tony Benn has died at the age of 88. Benn was an MP for 50 years and served in the cabinet of Harold Wilson and James Callaghan.

RMT Senior Assistant General Secretary Mick Cash said; "RMT is deeply saddened by the death of our close comrade Tony Benn. Wherever members of our union were engaged in struggle it was a matter of course that Tony Benn would be standing at their shoulder.

RMT Platform Newsletter March 2014

The March 2014 edition of 'RMT Platform' for tube station workers is now available. In this edition:

  • Union Action Pauses Cuts and Closures Plan - But the Fight Goes On
  • Be Prepared To Strike Again
  • The issues RMT has raised in talks so far
  • Join The Campaign
  • Embankment Ticket Office Closed

Bob Crow

It is with the deepest regret that RMT has to confirm that our General Secretary Bob Crow sadly passed away in the early hours today.

The union’s offices will be closed for the rest of the day and the union will make further announcements in due course. The media have been asked to respect the privacy of Bob’s friends and family at this difficult and distressing time.

Tube Bosses Mostly Unresponsive In 'Every Job Matters' Talks


It should come as no surprise that Management totally rejected virtually every objection and concern that all the Trade Unions had to these proposed plans, which we continue to insist are illogical, ill thought out, and an operational and administrative nightmare facing us in the future if they go ahead.