Ticket Office Use Increases As Boris Plans To Shut Them All

New figures obtained by the Labour Group on the GLA and released today show a net increase in total transactions at tube ticket offices from 7.418 million in 2012 to 7.577 million in 2013 – making a nonsense of claims that the booking offices are in decline and some sort of relic from the past.

The latest figures come hot on the tail of other research which has exposed the fact that David Cameron’s claim in Parliament that “only 3% of transactions now involve ticket offices” is totally misleading and disingenuous .

MATS Newsletter - Every Job Matters

Admin Update
After the ACAS talks we told management to end their workshops with Admin if they wanted the consultation to continue as this undermined the talks and was denying Admin proper consultation with the involvement of their unions, management agreed and the workshops ended.

World class tube = world class queues

This is the queue at Kings Cross on Sat Feb 22
Not sure where it starts - but an average wait was reported to be over 15 minutes
How can we treat our customers so shabbily?
And what should we do to rectify?
Open more ticket office windows, don't close them all would be the appropriate answer if the customer experience was really the driving force behind LUL modernisation plans
Not a politically driven dogma to reduce staff cuts by 30%

New LUL Sickness Reporting Procedure To Improve Confidentiality

Handling confidential personal information in line with the Data Protection Act:

  1. Train operators should telephone the booking-on point on the first day / shift of sickness where possible (reference to 2.1 of LUL AAW Procedure).
  2. The train operator will state that they are reporting sick and, if possible, give an approximate timescale for resumption of duty.

Voluntary severance- just doesn’t add up

The RMT principal on voluntary severance is pretty clear; we are against it as we don’t believe it’s our job to sell. That was the reason we fought so hard for the job for life deal
Not only does selling our jobs make life more difficult for those left behind as they struggle to cope with ever increasing workloads, it also does not make economic sense.
The measly amounts LUL are looking to give to staff wanting to go under this flawed VS system do not stack up.
Think about it. £30,000 lump sum? Got another job that pays same/similar to LUL- lucky you