RMT Deeply Saddened by Death of Comrade Tony Benn

Former Labour MP and Cabinet Minister Tony Benn has died at the age of 88. Benn was an MP for 50 years and served in the cabinet of Harold Wilson and James Callaghan.

RMT Senior Assistant General Secretary Mick Cash said; "RMT is deeply saddened by the death of our close comrade Tony Benn. Wherever members of our union were engaged in struggle it was a matter of course that Tony Benn would be standing at their shoulder.

"No post-war political figure did more to support and inspire the working class movement. From the town hall, to the picket line to the Glastonbury Festival, Tony Benn rose above the vilification of the right wing press to provide real leadership through some of our toughest battles.

"Coming in the same week as the loss of our own General Secretary Bob Crow, a close personal friend of Tony Benn, our world has been rocked to its core but we draw strength from the knowledge that the only tribute both men would have wanted from us is a renewal of the fight for socialism and economic and social justice and that is what we intend to deliver. "