Attendance and discipline

Management's discipline and attendance policies - and the way they use them to mistreat staff

Strike announced to defend unfairly sacked member

22nd of May, 2024


Further to my previous Circular (IR/123/24, 19th April 2024), all RMT members at Oxford Circus Area are congratulated for standing firm together against injustice during the strike action from 3rd to 4th May. Gerald's appeal hearing has now taken place but regrettably, LUL upheld the decision to dismiss him rather than taking action to rightly resolve this dispute.

Central Line West Branch organising to defend Sanjeev Verma

Central Line West Branch is considering all options available including industrial action over the horrendous treatment of long standing member, Sanjeev Verma in his recent Company Disciplinary Interview (CDI).

Sanjeev, a member for over 20 years was dipped from Train Operator to CSA 2 for a incident that he fully cooperated with and one that he immediately reported once he realised his initial mistake. 

LUL have a process for dealing with such incidents called the "FAIR" process. 

Strike action called for Queen's Jubilee

Tube staff will take strike action at Euston and Green Park stations on June 3, if action is not taken against a bullying manager.

RMT members at both stations have suffered years of intimidation, bullying and unjustified sackings of colleagues by a manager who has created a toxic atmosphere in the workplace.

Strike action is set for June 3 which coincides with the Queen's Jubilee and will last 24 hours.

RMT offers full support as service control rep faces spurious disciplinary action

12th March 2021


Dear Colleagues,


I have received a resolution from our Finsbury Park Branch raising grave concerns over the treatment meted out by management to your RMT Representative, Brother Norris. The concerted efforts of management against Ian led to disciplinary proceedings being taken against him.

Disabled Workers: Discipline and Pressure to Return to Work

RMT London Transport Regional Council Disabled Members Covid-19 Bulletin no.4 – 19 May 2020

This is attached as a printable .docx and .pdf file.


The Advisory, Conciliatory and Arbitration Service (ACAS) makes clear that the law requires your employer not to discriminate against disabled workers by trying to unreasonably pressure you to return to work, or by unreasonably disciplining you for not going to work.

Ezra Christian Sacked Unfairly

Train Operator Ezra Christian Sacked


Bakerloo Line Management have today dismissed Ezra over an incident which should have been dealt with by a corrective action plan. 

The RMT Bakerloo Line  branch will support Ezra in every way possible. 


Pic & Dic branch passes motion in support of terminated driver


I advised you in a previous circular that our Finsbury Park Branch had submitted a resolution on the dismissal of our member calling for a ballot of our Cockfosters and Arnos Grove driver members (Ref: IR/465/19, 15th November 2019) to demand his reinstatement.

I can now advise you that our Piccadilly and District West Branch has submitted a similar resolution in defence of our member and calling on your National Executive Committee to also ballot driver members at Northfields and Acton Town depots.

Jubilee South Branch News November 2019

Jubilee South news is produced by RMT Jubilee South branch activist. Please download and distribute it in your workplace.

In this edition:

  • Ballot planned as RMT rejects Tube pay offer

  • CSA sacked as AM ditches right to redeployment

  • Workplace violence increasing

  • ABM boss earns £4.5m

  • Detrainment staff return to the W&C line