Attendance and discipline

Management's discipline and attendance policies - and the way they use them to mistreat staff

Central Line drivers to strike to defend Paul Bailey

That we note following consulting our members in both Central Line East & West Branches our members wish to undertake strike action in defence of their victimised brother Paul Bailey. We therefore instruct all Train Operators and Operator Instructors not to book on for shifts from 00:01hrs to 23:59hrs on Wednesday 7th November 2018. Members to be advised by email and text. Central Line East & West Branches and the London Transport Regional Council to be advised.

Neasden branch resolution on management bullying


That we note the resolution from our Neasden Branch; and instruct the General Secretary to obtain a report from our Lead Officer to be placed in front of this NEC by Tuesday 2nd October 2018.

Further, we instruct the General Secretary to prepare a ballot matrix of all members in the Metropolitan Line South Cover Group: CSA 1&2’s and CSS 1’s.

Neasden Branch and the London Transport Regional Council to be advised.

All Central Line drivers to be balloted for strike in defense of brother Bailey

We congratulate both our Central Line branches for standing firm behind our Brother Paul Bailey, and resisting the stitch up being perpetrated against him by the company who have now upheld his dismissal on appeal and refused to grant the union a Directors Review.

This travesty calls into question the integrity of the entire drugs and alcohol policy and testing regime.

We instruct the General Secretary to immediately ballot our Driver Operators and Operator Instructors at all depots on the Central Line for Strike Action.

Members to be advised by email and text.

Defend Paul Bailey: unfairly sacked after passing a drug test

Paul Bailey, a driver at Leytonstone, remains sacked for passing a random drug and alcohol test.

The Head of Central Line Operations and the manager responsible for hearing Paul’s recent appeal, upheld the crazy CDI decision to dismiss Paul, despite all the evidence.

- Please download the attached leaflet to read more including what train driver's union RMT is doing to fight for justice for Paul.

Bakerloo branch congratulated as unfairly sacked driver reinstated


We congratulate our Bakerloo Line Branch, Trains Functional Council reps, the Lead Officer and Senior Assistant General Secretary on the re-instatement of Bro Vigo by London Underground on Tuesday at a resolution meeting with the Employment Tribunal Judge and London Underground management.

RMT tells LU 'end the bullying culture' following employment tribunal loss

RMT says that major employment tribunal loss by London Underground is a wake-up call to end the culture of picking on staff

TUBE UNION RMT today called on London Underground to end the culture of picking on staff and misusing procedures after the company lost an important employment tribunal case, costing the taxpayer a six figure sum in the process.
The driver in question was re-instated by LU yesterday at a resolution meeting with the Employment Tribunal Judge and London Underground management.