The following resolution was recently received from the Central Line East Branch:-
“This Branch is appalled at the treatment that Brother Gary Carney has been given.
A trumped-up charge was concocted with zero evidence, and was fuelled by anti-union bias, a direct attack on him as a 'Trade Union Rep who should know better' according to his manager.
In the event of an unfavourable outcome to this issue, we instruct the General Secretary to notify LUL that we are now in dispute and that a ballot matrix is prepared for all Train Operators in the Central Line East Branch for strike action.”
This matter has been considered by your National Executive Committee, which has noted the resolution and is appalled that London Underground has singled out Bro Carney as a representative of your union. Your NEC has resolved to support Bro Carney is any way possible.
The NEC has instructed me to obtain a report on this matter from the Lead Officer as soon as is possible following the outcome of Bro Carney's disciplinary procedure on Friday 12th February. I will keep Branches advised of all further developments.
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