Is Tube Bosses Night Tube Website Promoting Inaccurate Information?

London Underground bosses have launched a new website for tube workers which supposedly provides some answers on what Night Tube will mean for us. However there is one big inaccuracy. A question on the site asks “Are you going to change staff frameworks?” And the answer given is that “we do not believe it is currently necessary”.

However LUL bosses - some time ago - said the opposite, writing to the RMT saying they wish to enter into negotiations on frameworks; and these negotiations are taking place right now.

The Night Tube website is clearly misleading.

Pay & Night Tube Reps Mass Meeting

To all RMT London Underground Industrial and H&S Representatives

Rates of Pay & Conditions of Service 2015 And Night Tube

Dear Colleagues

Please be advised that a mass meeting of representatives will take place for a report back from John Leach, Regional Organiser on the above two agenda items. Meeting details are as follows:

Mass Meeting of RMT Representatives
10.00 hours on Wednesday 6th May 2015
Conway Hall (Main Hall)
25 Red Lion Square

TfL Unions - Working Together On Pay

Unions in TfL are making concerted efforts to schedule pay talks with TfL management, although no dates have yet been confirmed.

Over the last two weeks TfL Unions have held over twenty well-attended workplace meetings on pay across TfL, with more still to take place in the London Transport Museum and Dial-A-Ride. Feedback from members and non-members at these meetings tells us that the key aspects of this year’s pay talks are:

  • A negotiated, consolidated pay rise for all employees
  • Pay comparability across all parts of TfL

RMT Demands Improvements As Sodexo Contract Extended

Sodexo secured 3 year contract extension with TfL with staffing structure changes taking effect on 1st July 2015; before those changes come in place, Sodexo plans:

  • Enter into formal consultation with all staff on 1st May 2015;
  • Between 1st May and 30th June Sodexo will announce, notify and consult with all Affected Staff;

Bakerloo News April 2015

Bakerloo News is for RMT members in the Bakerloo branch. In this edition:

  • We must strike again to beat cuts
  • Migrant workers welcome here!
  • LU’s second joke pay offer rejected...
  • Victory on in-cab iPad distraction
  • Fixed-term contract CSAs: Know your rights!
  • iPads on stations
  • No radio, no problem? No way! Resist the rule change!

Thales Members Vote Yes To Pay Offer


A referendum of our Thales members on the latest pay offer has been held and has since concluded and the result is as follows:-

Total Votes Cast - 67
Number Voting ‘Yes’ - 65
Number Voting ‘No’ - 2
Spoilt Papers - 0

The company has been informed of our members’ acceptance and for your ease of reference the accepted offer is as follows:-

  • All LR1-7 members within GTS will receive a Gain Share Scheme pay out of 4.04%, compared to 1.68% for 2013, of their base pay in the March paybill.

Ballot Preparations Underway As ISS Fingerprinting Dispute Continues


Further to my previous Circular (IR/261/14, 3rd October 2014), Branches will recall that we were in dispute with ISS last year over the imposition of a biometric fingerprint system for staff to book on for duty. Members took industrial action with some even locked out by the Company for refusing to use the biometric machines. Agreement was then reached at ACAS which we hoped had resolved the matter however, the Lead Officer reports that management are now in breach of this agreement.