RMT London Calling Newsletter - May/June 2015

Latest edition of RMT London Calling
Please download, print display and distribute around your work place.
Hard copies available from Unity House

Read about;


Tories plan new anti strike laws

Every Job Still Matters

Fixed-term contract CSAs: Know your rights!

Latest advice on the review and appeal process for station staff relocation

Winning at Thales, strikes due on DLR

Night Tube provocation - local roster consultation

Justice for cleaners!

RMT fight back against the onslaught of anti worker policies

LTRC are organising a weeks recruitment activity June 7 - 13 across all of our region.
We have asked full time officers to try to make part of these days.
But as you know the main focus and organising abilities of branch secretaries always ensure these events are a success.
We are asking all branches to participate in this important activity.

LUL have today announced their intention to press ahead with night tube for drivers
Station staff have already been given their rosters.
Fleet and engineering to follow.
Service control are also being lined up.

Night Tube Local Consultation Letter 'A Hostile Act'

  • Tube bosses letter signalling an attempt to bypass negotiation initially considered a hoax as it was such a provocative act.
  • RMT seeks common ground with ASLEF in Night Tube negotiations
  • Local reps 'instructed not to co-operate whatsoever in local roster consultation until further notice'

Dear Colleagues


Please be advised that the Trains Functional Council Staff-Side Chair has received a letter from the Bakerloo Line General Manager, Lance Ramsey, who is the LUL conduit for the Night Tube consultations.

RMT Equalities Report - May 2015

In this Newsletter:

  • Fit for the Future = More Inequality
  • Inequality of pay and power
  • Location / Displacements
  • Part - time staff
  • Workforce density
  • Destaffing and lone working
  • Rosters and worklife balance
  • Abolition of seated roles
  • What can we do about it?
  • What about equality issues for passengers?