New Tube Uniform - RMT Uniform Committee Update

New London Underground Uniform
RMT Uniform Consultative Committee Update, April 2015

What’s happened so far?
2013 – 2014: uniform design. The RMT Uniform Committee reps gave feedback to the designers, prioritising comfort and practicality. Like most staff, we argued for a professional look, as opposed to the multi-coloured, clown-like look that LU initially proposed.

RMT Engineering Branch Motion Joins Growing Call of Support For Glen Hart

I'm pleased to advise the following was passed unanimously at this evenings meeting of LU Engineering RMT Branch.

Resolution on the Victimisation by LU of Glen Hart RMT Rep.

This branch calls upon the RMT GGC to ballot all grades on LU for strike action and action short of a strike in the event that Glen Hart is dismissed, down graded or given any warning for following instructions from RMT in the EJM dispute.

Glen abided by the instruction of the GGC and his refusal to work overtime was covered by a lawful RMT ballot of members.

Young Members Get Together


Tuesday 12 May, 18:15, The Rocket (corner of Chalton Street/Euston Road)

Young members of the RMT in the London Transport Region will be holding an informal get-together on the above date, to meet up, chat, have a few drinks, and discuss ideas for young members' campaigning
activity in the region.

Both those already active in the union and those interested in becoming more active, and learning more about the union, are welcome.

For more info, call me no 07961 040 618.

In solidarity,
Daniel Randall


Attached is the London Underground SPAD policy, Case Conference for Safety Competance procedure and the Case Conference Guidelines.

These documents could be useful for both members and reps involved in SPAD incidents.

Executive Report May 2015


A ballot is taking place on pay, health and safety issues and reports of members being bullied. The ballot result will be in on the 12th May (The same day as the Network Rail result).


Pay Update: No New Offer From Tube Bosses

To all RMT members in LUL:

Pay and Night Tube update

Today and earlier this week on Monday I met LUL directors, with our senior reps to discuss and negotiate on pay 2015 and night tube arrangements.

Once again no new offer was made.

As members will know LUL have so far tabled an offer of:

.. This is effectively a pay cut

2015 ...0.75%

Night tube

Ode to a scab - Jack London 1876-1916

Ode To A Scab

After God had finished the rattlesnake, the toad, and the vampire, He had some awful substance left with which He made a scab. A scab is a two-legged animal with a corkscrew soul, a waterlogged brain, and a combination backbone made of jelly and glue. Where others have hearts, he carries a tumor of rotten principles.

RMT Says No To New Tube Faulty Radio Procedure


There is a new rule going live on May 4th, OSN 118. This would see trains running in passenger services with no direct contact the controller. This is obviously an unacceptable risk to the RMT.

We have had various meetings with LU on this matter and we have continually objected to its introduction. As LU were intent on imposing this on us we have contacted our Head Office with a view to escalating the matter. You will be hearing from our union top brass in due course on this matter.