Support TUSC in the Local and General Elections

Former RMT General Secretary, the late Bob Crow, avidly championed working class politics. He became disillusioned over time by the failings of the Labour Party leadership; a party that RMT, as the Society of Railway Servants, helped found 114 years ago.

No longer, he and others felt, could it be claimed that “One Nation Labour” represented working people. It has become hardly more than a Tory second eleven.

RMT PMA Dispute Progresses Following 'Unacceptable' Tube Bosses Position

REVIEW OF DISCIPLINARY AND GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE – LONDON UNDERGROUND (LUL/4/4) Further to my previous Circular (IR/432/13, 25th July 2013), this matter has been listed on the LUL Company Council agenda where we raised the issue that having the same PMA present at a CDI and any associated appeal created an unfair bias in the process. The involvement of PMAs in the disciplinary process has been disputed by RMT for some years now as we see it as an additional management resource.

Reintate Petrit Mihaj - Demo Sodexo HQ 17/4/15 @1130

We are campaigning against victimisation, discrimination, union busting and dismissal of our colleague and union representative Petrit Mihaj.
It’s been over a year since our rep Petrit Mihaj was victimised for his Trade Union (TU) activities and unfairly dismissed as proven in court. (Ref: P Mihaj v Sodexo Ltd)
Our campaign continues into its second year. After many successful demonstrations in 2014 and 2015, The RMT is stepping up this campaign by asking MP’s and candidates in the General Election campaign to stop funding racist and union busting employers.

Reinstate Petrit Mihaj - demo 17/4/15 1130 Sodexo HQ

We are campaigning against victimisation, discrimination, union busting and dismissal of our colleague and union representative Petrit Mihaj.
It’s been over a year since our rep Petrit Mihaj was victimised for his Trade Union (TU) activities and unfairly dismissed as proven in court. (Ref: P Mihaj v Sodexo Ltd)
Our campaign continues into its second year. After many successful demonstrations in 2014 and 2015, The RMT is stepping up this campaign by asking MP’s and candidates in the General Election campaign to stop funding racist and union busting employers.

As Tube Job Cuts Kick In, Race Crimes Increase

RMT demands end to staff cuts as new figures show continuing increases in race hate crimes on our railways

RAIL UNION RMT today demanded an end to staffing cuts as new figures obtained by the Press Association reveal that the number of suspected race hate crimes taking place on the railways continues to rise with four reported to police every day last year.

The Reality Of Closing Ticket Offices: Transport Workers' Testimonials

Hands Off London Transport has received some testimonials from London Underground workers working at stations where the ticket office has already closed. They clearly show the obviously-damaging impact these closures have on customer service. If LU really wants its customer service to be “world class”, it need to stop closures and re-open ticket offices!

RMT Highlights Opposition To Rainbow Procedure


Further to my previous Circular (IR/120/13, 21st February 2013), the Attendance, Performance and Conduct (APC) working group met to discuss this matter where RMT confirmed that we remain opposed to this policy and LUL’s use and abuse of its attendance policy more generally. The following resolution has recently been received from our Piccadilly & District West Branch in respect of this matter:-

Tube Pay Offer Rejected

Pay negotiations update from RMT Regional Organiser John Leach.

This afternoon I attended talks with RMT senior functional reps and Directors of LUL.

Members will know that the company so far have offered a two year pay deal 2015 ..0.50% and 2016 RPI and two one off payments of £250 for night tube.

At todays meeting the company have marginally revised the offer to:

2015...0.75%(1/4 %increase)
2016 ..RPI

So over the two years the offer has been moved by a mere 0.25%!