Dispute Materials: Reinstate Clara

Clara Osagiede, RMT cleaners’ secretary on London Underground, has been dismissed from her job for the crime of fighting for workplace justice for London’s transport cleaners.

Bosses at Interserve – a private contractor that LU use for cleaning – concocted a series of spurious charges in order to get rid of an activist who is a thorn in their side.

Interserve is a company with an appalling record on industrial relations across all their contracts in the railway industry which exploits their low-paid workers for as much profit as they can.

London Day Of Action Against Tube Cuts Solidly Supported By Passengers

A day of action against tube cuts on Friday (27th March) was solidly supported by passengers and Londoners, with thousands of leaflets distributed from stations across London. RMT and campaign group Hands Off London Transport, jointly organised the day which was joined by dozens of reps and activists from the RMT union, HOLT group and supporters.

London Transport Region Executive Report, March 2015

There will be a ballot of all members including Interserve members to reject pay offer and take industrial action
T&P Policy LUL not adhering to policy as part of Fit For The Future attacks on staff. This has been referred to Ad Hoc Directors and we will be seeking legal advice to defend our members disadvantaged by this flouting of T&P Policy.
There will be a referendum on the offer from the company.

Bermondsey Station: RMT & HOLT Demo Against Cuts

Mayor Boris Johnson and tube bosses plan to close the ticket office at Bermondsey station and cut frontline staff. This is a busy station with a vital ticket office which serves both local residents and those coming into the area to work, It also provides vital information and assistance to elderly and disabled passengers helping them to use London Underground.

Planned Ticket Office Closure Date - 29th March

Staff cuts planned locally including Bermondsey - 30%

We are protesting and taking action to stop the cuts from happening.

LT Regional Council Meeting - March 26th 1630 Unity House 39 Chalton St. london NW1 6JD

The London Transport Regional Council meeting will take place this Thursday at Unity House,39 Chalton St London NW1 6JD
The meeting will be in the board room on the 3rd floor
Please arrive early as the meeting will start on time.

Demo against ticket office closures - day of action Friday 27th March

Tube Ticket Offices - TfL Closure Plan Protests

REMINDER Day of Action: Friday 27th March

Transport for London is pressing ahead with closing all London Underground ticket offices and is doing so without consulting passengers or adequately trialling the impact first. This is in order that closed ticket offices can be leased out to retail businesses, a short-sighted step that will exacerbate already dangerously high and rising peak passenger through-flow.