Jubilee South Upfront News March 2015

This is the latest edition of 'Jubilee South Train Drivers Newsletter' with news and information for RMT train drivers based at Stratford and North Greenwich.

In this edition:

  • Pay Talks Update – RMT Calls For Substantial Rise
  • Strike Called In McGuigan Dispute
  • Go back To Check M Door Alarms
  • Car Park Changes
  • Sacked For Being Epileptic
  • Night Tube
  • Age Medicals

TUSC Election Campaign

Dear Comrades

Thank you to those of you who have already agreed to support one or more of the campaign events.

Dates, times and venues of Campaign Events in Harrow East are as follows:

Tuesday 10th March
11:00AM – 1:00PM
Street Stall: Raising Awareness of Voter Registration, handing out leaflets, petition about minimum wage £10 p/h, Building Council Housing, megaphone
Katie’s Statue, Harrow Town Centre, near NatWest & Greggs on St Ann’s Road

Saturday 14th March
11:00AM – 1:00PM

Ballot for strike: Noel Roberts

East Ham Branch have voted for a ballot for strike action in support of Noel Roberts, who was sacked despite being FULLY FIT. The resolution passed was as follows:

"Unfair dismissal Bro Noel Roberts
This Branch notes the unfair dismissal of Brother Noel Roberts. This Branch resolves to continue campaigning for his reinstatement. This Branch requests the GGC to call for a ballot for industrial action of all our members on the East Ham, Tower Hill and Embankment groups, with a view to moving to an all grades ballot in support of Bro Roberts' campaign for reinstatement"

Every Job Matters - Members Mass Meeting


Dear Colleagues


Please be advised that at the behest of the General Grades Committee, RMT has organised a meeting open to all activists to discuss the possibility of further industrial action on LU in relation to fending jobs, services and conditions.

Although we have been unable to get agreement for your paid release you are nevertheless urged to make your own arrangements to attend.

The meeting details are as follows:

ETF Women's Committee, March 2015: Section Reports


The Social Dialogue Committee for Ports had adopted a document about women's employment, including recruitment and working conditions for women. Women's employment has increased as technology has led to much port work becoming less physical.

Now the document has been adopted, it needs to be implemented. The strategy is based on raising awareness and changing the image of port work rather than on imposing quotas. Some trade unions have objected to this initiative, as they see women as "taking men's jobs".

WEA Courses 2015

Now is the time to book a course with the Workers' Education Association (WEA).

Here are some of the upcoming courses:

  • Union Representatives Stage 1
  • Health & Safety Representatives Stage 1
  • Certificate In Employment Law (stage 2 Union Reps)
  • Next Steps For Safety Representatives (stage 2 H&s Reps)
  • Union Learning Reps Stages 1 And 2
  • Diploma In Employment Law
  • Diploma In Occupational Health & Safety
  • Diploma In Equalities

LUL Pay Talks Continue With No Improvement In Inadequate Offer

Today we went back to meet LUL to further discuss our claim and further expand upon our claim for a decent pay rise for our members in LUL .

After two hours of discussion LUL did not revise their inadequate below inflation offer . And the previous offer remains as I reported yesterday All parties have agreed to return to meet next Thursday 12th .