Reinstate our reps

Our cleaning reps are being targeted by ruthless cleaning contractors who are given contracts by LUL, part of those contracts would appear to include a clause to systematically route out troublesome RMT reps.

We have a cleaner rep at Hainult depot suspended on entirely spurious grounds.
He has been on full pay at home for months.
Who picks up that tab?
Get him back to work.
Put up or shut up.
If it takes so long to fabricate a case against our member it's likely there is nothing to it.
Even unscrupulous anti trade union managers must accept that.

ETF Women's Committee meeting, March 2015: Campaigning for Health & Safety and Against Violence

The European Transport Workers' Federation's Women's Committee meets twice per year to discuss issues facing women transport workers across Europe and to drive forward the programme of work agreed by the four-yearly ETF Women's Conference.


Thales Waterloo & palestra Members To Be Balloted Over New Rosters

A resolution has been received from our London Underground Engineering Branch concerning the above matter, which is as follows:-

“We note that Thales GTS are intent on forcing worse rosters, worse terms and conditions, less staff and more managers and compulsory redundancy on our members. Their senior management have made it clear that they have no intention of changing their organisational plans despite them having no logic and the strong counter proposals placed forward by the RMT.

We therefore ask the GGC to ballot all members at Waterloo and Palestra for both strike action and action short of strike.”

Tubelines Rest Day Withdrawal Could Lead To Industrial Action Ballot


A resolution has been received from our London Underground Engineering Branch concerning the above matter, which is as follows:-

“The Branch has been informed that the agreement reached below represents the most that can be achieved through negotiation.

We are concerned that our members need to be fully consulted and involved in deciding whether this agreement is acceptable and our Branch therefore requests a referendum is carried out of all affected members in AP JNP Track and Civils, namely, Civils, Northern and Pic Track, Ultrasonics and the Lube Gang.

We further ask for it to be clear in the referendum that a rejection is likely to lead to a need to take industrial action and a strike ballot will likely follow.

EJM Dispute: Preparations Are Underway To Organise A Meeting Of Reps And Activists

As members will be aware from my previous Circular (IR/022/15, 21st January 2015), preparations are underway to organise a meeting of Reps and Activists to discuss the possibility of further industrial action on London Underground in relation to defending jobs, services and conditions and to discuss the report back from our Lead Officer on the progress of talks on Every Job Matters.

Saturdays McGuigan Strike "First stage Of A Rolling Programme"

Further to my previous Circular (IR/034/15, 29th January 2015) the ballot for strike action has concluded and members are congratulated for returning a ‘yes’ vote and for the excellent support shown despite a massive campaign of misinformation and smears mounted by LU and TfL bosses and the media.

London Underground Pay talks Update - A 'Laughably Inadequate' Offer

This morning myself and senior RMT Functional council reps attended a special meeting of the LUL company council to deal with this year’s pay claim.

LUL made the first offer of this pay round, we have agreed to go back tomorrow at 1000 to continue the discussion .

The offer is a two year deal.

2015 = 0.5%

In return for and for future operation of NIGHT TUBE a Non consolidated (one off payment) for all COO staff and CPD Operational staff, to be paid at two stages £250 twice = £500 in total.

And that’s it!

latest edition of rmtlondoncalling

Please download, print ,display and distribute around your workplace.
Hard copies available from Unity House


“Tube worker Karen Guyott 'sacked for having epilepsy', say MPs”

Karen has worked for LUL for 8 years as a CSA. She has a condition that requires reasonable adjustments. LUL have used the FFFS medical questionnaire to ruthlessly sack Karen because of her epilepsy.
Karen was dismissed on Tuesday Feb 24 and her case was raised in a debate on epilepsy in the Houses of Parliament on Thursday 26 Feb by Kate Hoey MP