Hounslow West Tube Needs A Ticket Office

RMT Piccadilly and District West Branch and 'Hands Off London Transport' will be demonstrating and leafleting outside of Hounslow West station on Wednesday morning from 7 to 9 am.

London underground wants to close all ticket offices and cut around 850 jobs in a move which will see tube services reduced especially for those who need assistance most, and yet more relatively decent jobs lost in London.

Please join us as we send a message to London Underground bosses and Tory mayor Boris Johnson that we don't want austerity to destroy the tube.

Blog: RMT branches exposes frackers' abuses of workers' rights

By Daniel Randall, LTRC Green Officer

RMT branches across the country are already discussing, and passing, policy on environmental issues. Some months ago, Brighton and Hove City RMT submitted a motion to their local Trades Council about "fracking" (hydraulic fracturing, a means of extracting gas by drilling into the earth) taking place in their area.

It shows how environmentally unsustainable processes are often accompanied by abuses of workers' rights, and a cavalier attitude to health and safety.

Blog: Stonewall To Campaign On Trans Issues

Stonewall has announced today that it will begin campaigning on Trans issues. Stonewall is a charity which works to achieve equality and justice for lesbians, gay men and bisexual people. In 2013 the RMT LGBT conference passed a resolution on Stonewall which included the call that "Stonewall should stop perpetuating the exclusion of transgender people and campaign on trans issues in England and Wales, not just LGB issues."

You can read about Stonewall's decision to begin campaigning on trans issues here.

Bakerloo News - February 2015

Bakerloo News is the regular Newsletter for RMT members in the Bakerloo Branch.

In this edition:

  • 2015 pay talks begin: Fighting for a good deal for all staff
  • Taking action against cuts and closures
  • Drivers vote to strike against unfair sacking
  • Q&A on FftF
  • Justice for cleaners: end agency exploitation!
  • Victory for safety at Elephant
  • Reps report.