The fight for Alex goes on - we need a strong yes vote

Vote Yes For Strike To Defend Alex

• Alex McGuigan has diabetes which is known to affect breathlyser testing

• Guidelines were not followed when Alex was tested

• An LUOH doctor supported our concerns

• We demand Alex is reinstated or that LUL agree to abide by ET outcome

• LUL testing procedure must be made robust and fair for all workers

please download, print and distribute around your workplace.
hard copies available form Unity House

Reinstate Alex McGuigan

Employee bulletin

A response to the employee bulletin written by Nigel Holness, Operations Director - Jubilee, Northern and Piccadilly lines.


Last week Nigel Holness sent out a letter to all members of staff about dismissed train operator Alex McGuigan. It contained a number of what politicians refer to as “terminological inexactitudes”. As the person who represented Alex at all stages of the procedure I am in a better position than Nigel to tell you the truth about what has happened to Alex.

Upfront Tube Drivers Newsletter January 2015 - Defend Alex

In this special 'Defend Alex McGuigan' edition

  • Vote Yes For Strike To Defend Alex
  • RMT Offer To Call Off Ballot If LUL Respect Employment Tribunal Decision. Tube Bosses Say No
  • Hendy Apologises

Click 'read more' to view and download this newsletter.

You can do your bit to help by printing this out and distributing amongst colleagues.

RMT taxi drivers hit back at insulting comments from London Transport Commissioner Sir Peter Hendy

RMT London Taxi Drivers today registered their dismay at comments made by Sir Peter Hendy regarding the licensed taxi trade that it is 'not the job of TFL to protect the taxi trade, but the public'.

In an interview with London's Evening Standard the Transport Commissioners' comments have exposed his gross ignorance of the trade.

As a highly regulated service, the licensed taxi industry provides the public with a safe, secure travel option. Protecting the standards of the industry in turn protect the public.

Rail Worker Trade Unionists And Environmentalists Meet To Discuss How Struggles Intersect

Rail worker trade unionists and environmental activists in the USA are meeting to discuss how they can support each others’ struggles, and how the issues they're fighting on intersect.

Environmental and community activists concerned about “oil trains” (freight vehicles carrying tonnes of dangerous and unsustainable fossil fuel) being transported through working-class neighbourhoods will learn about the workplace issues faced by the workers who drive and crew those trains — fatigue, lone-working, and more.

RMT Offer To Call Off Driver's Strike Ballot If LUL Respect Employment Tribunal Decision - Tube Bosses Say No

Further to my letter dated 12th January regarding the above, members are aware that your Union’s Executive Committee has taken the decision to conduct a ballot of all Train Operator and Instructor Operator members over this issue. The ballot notice was sent to the Company yesterday, your voting paper will be sent out on Monday 26th January 2015 and must be returned for the closing date of Tuesday 10th February 2015.

Latest edition of rmtlondoncalling newsletter - January 2015

Latest edition of rmtlondoncalling, please download, print, display & distribute around your workplace.
Read about;

• The campaign for Alex McGuigans reinstatement

• Ongoing every job matters dispute – rosters cause rage on stations – reps and activists called for a meeting to discuss industrial action

• March for homes on January 31 2015

• London Underground fingered in tax evasion scandal

• 95% of DLR members vote yes for industrial action

• Vicky Hayward reinstated – stand firm for other sacked members

The scandal of self-employed cleaners on London Underground


AGS people and LUL are complicit in a tax evasion scam whereby they use the self-employed status of workers to avoid paying employers National Insurance liabilities to HMRC, SSP and holiday pay to the workers and destroy pretty much every right a worker in the UK enjoys.
Workers, even agency workers, have certain rights and protections. A self-employed cleaner has none. I would be interested to see the actual contract between the self-employed and LUL or its sub-contractor, if one even exists.