Interserve Cleaners Dispute Emergency Meeting

To all LT Branches & Activists

A message from John Leach Regional Organiser follows:-

Dear Colleagues

The Cleaning Grades Committee along with myself has agreed to have an emergency meeting on 14th January 2015 at 5pm in Unity House to plan for the Interserve cleaners Dispute. I have therefore been asked by the Cleaning Grades Secretary to circulate this to all branches to ensure full participation of all grades at this meeting.

With best wishes.

John Leach

Interserve Cleaners Dispute Emergency Meeting

To all LT Branches & Activists

A message from John Leach Regional Organiser follows:-

Dear Colleagues

The Cleaning Grades Committee along with myself has agreed to have an emergency meeting on 14th January 2015 at 5pm in Unity House to plan for the Interserve cleaners Dispute. I have therefore been asked by the Cleaning Grades Secretary to circulate this to all branches to ensure full participation of all grades at this meeting.

With best wishes.

John Leach

council of executives report

Dear All,

At the General Grades Committe it was agreed to put on a ballot of all Train Ops as soon as possible in Defence of the reinstatement of Bro McGuigan and to escalate this to other Grades if and when neccessary.

We will be discussing our response to the draconian new rosters being put forward by management on the Stations. I will be contacting functional reps and Branches to discuss our response. RMT will not accept rosters that leave our stations without adequate staff to the job nor will we accept ridiculous working patterns that leave our members with no work/life balance.

C of E Report

Dear All,

At the General Grades Committe it was agreed to put on a ballot of all Train Ops as soon as possible in Defence of the reinstatement of Bro McGuigan and to escalate this to other Grades if and when neccessary.

We will be discussing our response to the draconian new rosters being put forward by management on the Stations. I will be contacting functional reps and Branches to discuss our response. RMT will not accept rosters that leave our stations without adequate staff to the job nor will we accept ridiculous working patterns that leave our members with no work/life balance.

Vicky Hayward Reinstated

We are delighted to report that Vicky Hayward is to be reinstated to her job as London Underground CSA. LUL sacked Vicky last year using CCTV "evidence" that was not available to Vicky or her rep, but following a meeting yesterday between the union's General Secretary and LUL's Managing Director, Regional Organiser John Leach advises that the company has agreed to overturn this decision. We are pleased that LUL has allowed fairness to prevail.

RMT Cleaners deserve respect, justice and our support

Interserve, the latest outsourced contract cleaning company LUL have tasked with humiliating and treating our cleaners as an underclass of London’s workers.

Previous incumbents of the multi million pound contracts on offer from TfL/LUL/Mayor’s office have failed to pay minimum wage, London Living wage, sick pay, travel allowance to our cleaners.

Interserve are perhaps the worst of the worst.
Non-payment of wages, late payment of wages, no pay slips, statutory sick pay withheld are the headlines in this appalling companies treatment of our comrades and colleagues.

Part time workers –not 2nd class citizens

The fit for the future(sic) plan LUL have for us all mean we all have to trot off to Ashfield House for an indoctrination process – training exercise ( *delete as appropriate)
Fine. They pay us. We go. We listen. We believe.
In their time. In the hours they expect us to roll up for work as per our contract.

The latest, sensitive approach from LUL is to dictate to part time workers they must attend full time courses, irrespective of commitments outside the world of LUL, be it childcare, elderly relatives or voluntary community work.