A Message to LU Station Staff - Draft BNS/Rosters: Defend our Staffing Levels!

This week, management are publishing the draft Business Needs Schematics (BNS) and rosters for Fit for the Future - Stations. These are being presented to your union reps at a local ('level one') meeting, and reps will then consult you and take your views back to a feedback meeting. The BNS shows where management think staff are needed on the station. The roster shows the days, hours and rest days that staff are expected to follow.

Pay talks - update

Today myself and senior RMT ( functional council) reps attended and represented the union at what was the third meeting we've had now since we submitted our claim for a substantial pay rise and improved terms and conditions for all of our members across all areas of employment in London Underground Ltd 2015

The management presented to the meeting a working document. Also they stated that it was their view that Night tube would feature in their thinking around this pay negotiation .However ....despite myself pressing them to ...LUL made no offer .

London Underground's disability poem. Monday's disabled child is fair of face and gets a job. Tuesday's disabled child is sacked

London Underground are the stellar employer of London. They set the moral and ethical tone for all the others to follow.

On Monday February 23 LUL were in the media, on TV, on the Radio highlighting the virtues of making the stigma of workers with disabilities a thing of the past.
A good thing you must agree.

On Tuesday February 24 LUL dismissed a young girl because she had a disability.
An absolute disgrace.
After 5 years of reasonable adjustments in place to allow her to continue in her role, they decide it is no longer "sustainable"

Defend Alex McGuigan - How You Can Help

Alex McGuigan was sacked following a flawed alcohol test which we believe resulted in a false result. We balloted for industrial action to defend Alex which resulted in a yes vote for strike.

There are lots of ways that you can help Alex get his job back, and help the union ensure that alcohol testing is fair and robust for all of us on London Underground.

  1. Share the facts of the case

Cuts have lethal consequences and RMT’s fight to stop them goes on

  • Come along and join us on February 25th; 8am to 10am and 4pm to 6pm

RMT Bakerloo Line activists, Hands Off London Transport and community groups, will be taking the fight against staff cuts and the closure of tube ticket offices to the public next Wednesday – 25th February - between 8am and 10am and 4pm and 6pm hours with leafleting and petition signing outside Edgware Road (Bakerloo Line) station.

Autism In The Workplace Stage 1 Course - 25 March 2015

Autism in the Workplace is a really exciting event being run at the Workers’ Educational Association - WEA - on 25 March 2015, 9.30am–4.30pm. It is sponsored by the Communication Workers' Union (CWU) and includes participation from Simpson Millar solicitors.

Please read on for details of the course and to register for a place.