Protect the right to strike - email your MP

Protect the Right to Strike - Email Your MP

Our MPs will soon get their first chance to debate the government's Trade Union Bill, as it receives its second reading in the Commons. It's an important chance to raise early objections to this draconian legislation.

Please use this link to write to your MP to state your opposition to the Trade Union Bill:

LT Regional Council activities September 2015

London Transport Reg Council are organising various events in the upcoming weeks:


First up is a demo against the BIS Secretary Sajid Javid and an issuing of an injunction to him.
The demo is tomorrow September 9th at 1800 - follow link below for facebook event
He was elected on a majority of less than 38% - but strives to impose a threshold of 40% for Trade Union strike ballots

There is a follow up demo on September 14 on the right to strike to coincide with the 2nd reading of the anti trade union bill.

SFC News: Progress Made on Night Tube & Fit for the Future on Stations

Management have made widespread changes to their proposals on stations relating to both Night Tube and Fit for the Futre.
Your SFC reps and RMT officers are now taking part in further negotiations with LU in an effort to reach an acceptable way forward.
Please download the newsleter and distribute it in your area.

Docklands Light railway Ballot Being Prepared


I recently received correspondence from our DLR Branch Secretary, advising that a vote was taken at a recent Branch meeting for a ballot for industrial action over numerous issues, including allocation of duties, understaffing and bullying affecting our members working for Keolis Amey Docklands on the DLR.

Tube Strike Suspended As Talks Continue

We note the report from our Lead Officer. LUL have suspended Night Tube and talks will resume at ACAS. This is due to the action and resolve of our members. We therefore instruct the General Secretary to suspend the industrial action planned for the 8th and 10th September, and advise London Underground.

We further instruct the General Secretary:-

  • To give a full report of our progress in talks to the Rally of our members on 7th September
  • To inform members by letter, text and e-mail of the reasons we have suspended the action, and invite them to the Rally on 7th September

TfL Pay Update

TfL Company Council update – 1 September 2015 We are fighting for fair and equal pay at TfL - All unions present at today’s talks rejected management’s latest offer of a £1.5 million pot equating to 0.75% of the pay bill - We continue to seek clarity on the proposed distribution of the base pay pot - Negotiations continue around pay for band 1 employees on spine point 14 - We continue to press for clarity on the size of the pot for non-consolidated ‘performance awards’

Tube Dispute Update

Rates of Pay & Conditions of Service and Night Running – London Underground Every Job Matters – Defending Jobs on London Underground

Dear Colleague,


Rates of Pay & Conditions of Service and Night Running – London Underground
Every Job Matters – Defending Jobs on London Underground