Jubilee South September Branch Meeting

Our next RMT branch meeting will be on Wednesday 30th September at the Blue Eyed Maid in Borough High Street at 4pm. The nearest station is London Bridge. This will be an opportunity for RMT members to debate the Pay & Night Tube and Fit for the Future disputes, as well as local issues. All members are welcome and encouraged to attend. You can also get more news from the branch at www.rmtlondoncalling.org.uk

  • A poster is attached for displaying in your workplace.

Local Reps Elections

All LTRC Branches,
Please be advised that nominations for all positions and local reps will take place at our branch meeting 7th October in The Torch, Wembley Pk 16:00hrs prompt.
If you have an address or intend to come, please contact Chair Adam Evans or Nigel Eivers asap, as I will be on A/L

Yours in solidarity
Les Bruty
Neasden Branch Secretary

London Transport Regional Council

Th next meeting of the London Transport Regional Council will be on Thursday 24 September 1630-1830

Please try and attend and make sure your own branch is represented at this important organising meeting.

There will be reports from the Counil of Executive member John Reid and from the Regional Organiser John Leach.