Boris Johnson Admits Illegal Taxi Trade Rife

TAXI UNION RMT is calling for action to be taken after London Mayor Boris Johnson admitted that Private Hire Vehicles (PHVs) were illegally plying for hire in the capital.

RMT London taxi driver branch secretary Lewis Norton rang into the Mayor’s regular 'AskBoris' phone in on LBC.

When asked if the Mayor acknowledged previous comments he had made that traffic congestion in the capital can be attributed to the high volume of Private Hire vehicles 'roaming streets looking for fares', he agreed.

Disability Officers Report August 2015

1. Protesting against attacks on disabled people. The Tories are intensifying their assault on disabled people's rights, particularly access to benefits. I will be circulating information about protests and other events in and around London. Please look out for these and encourage members to take part.

2. Disabled People Against Cuts (DPAC). Our union affiliates to DPAC, an excellent organisation that actively does what its names suggests! I propose that the Regional Council invites DPAC to speak at its September meeting.

City Cruises Thames River Workers Strike Suspended

TRANSPORT UNION RMT confirmed today that staff working for City Cruises, one of the major players in transportation on the River Thames, have suspended strike action due to take place today as an act of goodwill as talks are agreed for next week ‎to address the issues of pay and workplace justice.
Further action on Friday 4th September and Saturday 5th September between 07:00 hours and 20.00 hours remains on.

Workers at the high-profile company have been organised by RMT and recently voted by 100% for action. RMT has now been granted recognition after a long and hard campaign.

City Cruises Thames River Workers Strike Suspended

TRANSPORT UNION RMT confirmed today that staff working for City Cruises, one of the major players in transportation on the River Thames, have suspended strike action due to take place today as an act of goodwill as talks are agreed for next week ‎to address the issues of pay and workplace justice.
Further action on Friday 4th September and Saturday 5th September between 07:00 hours and 20.00 hours remains on.

Workers at the high-profile company have been organised by RMT and recently voted by 100% for action. RMT has now been granted recognition after a long and hard campaign.

RMT Commends Members As ACAS Talks Progress


Further to my previous Circular (IR/200/15, 20th August 2015) we have been in intensive discussions with LUL at ACAS in an effort to reach agreement and resolve these two disputes. Now, as a result of the 100% support we have been receiving from members including two all-out strikes, a position was reached that allowed us to suspend the industrial action.

Executive Report August 2015


“We note the report from the Lead Officer that due to our continuing industrial action significant progress has been made in the talks.

As a result we instruct the General Secretary to suspend all current action of Station Staff.

However, we further instruct the General Secretary to inform London Underground that until our reasonable and just demands are met we will remain in dispute and we will take further strike action on the 8th September 2015 and the 10th September 2015.

Significant Progress In Talks At ACAS Over Pay, Jobs And Night Tube

RMT suspends this week’s action and puts on September strike dates as talks over Night Tube make significant progress
TUBE UNION RMT said this afternoon that the strike dates on London Underground this week have been suspended, with new dates announced in September, as talks over pay, jobs and Night Tube have made significant progress at ACAS.

London Underground Strike Suspended - New Action Called

As members will be aware, your Union has been in intensive discussions with LUL at ACAS in an effort to reach agreement and resolve the current disputes over Rates of Pay & Conditions of Service & Night Running and Every Job Matters – Defending Jobs on London Underground. Now, as a result of the 100% support we have been receiving from you and your colleagues including two all-out strikes, a position has been reached that allows us to suspend the industrial action.