Could Your iPad get you the Sack?

Download the new SFC News for news on iPads, data abuse and the latest on roster consultations on stations.


RMT reps are dealing with an alarming number of  cases where iPads, staff oysters, CCTV and even station evacuation sheets are being trawled to try and find evidence of wrongdoing.

With the imminent roll-out of the roster & coverage tool (RCT), which includes electronic booking on and off the potential for data to be used to discipline you, sometimes long after the event, is alarming.

RMT continues ACAS talks over Four day week

We note the report from our Lead Officer that the letter 26.8.17 from the company regarding “progress” made at ACAS which is somewhat exaggerated and makes claims about concessions that were not made in the ACAS meeting.

Regarding the request contained in the letter that the union end the dispute; this is not currently possible and we remain in dispute at this stage.

Support the McDonalds Strike on September 4th

Dear Colleague

Support the 4 September McDonalds Strike

Workers in the Bakers' Union BFAWU have set Monday 4 September as the first ever strike day at McDonald's in the UK.

I would urge everyone to send messages of support and if possible on the Saturday before the strike, 2 September, join the BFAWU protest at McDonald's HQ at 1-59 High Rd, East Finchley, N2 8AW. They are calling on solidarity from the wider movement on this day, with banners, donations etc, brought along in support.

Dispute situation arising as LU bosses derecognise station reps

We note and welcome the resolution from our Bakerloo Line Branch regarding the imposed de-recognition of many of our stations reps which amounts to a form of union busting, is a significant attack on our union’s democracy, disenfranchises our members and if LU is allowed to get away with de-recognising reps on stations, the
majority function on LU, they will be emboldened to attack our levels of representation elsewhere on the job.

Sacked City Cruises worker reinstated following RMT campaign

Sister Abdo has been fully re-instated with no loss of pay!

We congratulate the Lead Officer, our two Reps Gordon Markley and Martin Walsh and our Members working at City Cruises as this outcome could never had been achieved without their good work, full support and them telling management that they would not accept this unfair dismissal.

We instruct the General Secretary to inform the company we are no longer in dispute and write and email all our members on City Cruises thanking them for their support in winning this case.

London Cycle Hire pay and conditions offer to be put to members


We congratulate the Lead Officer, Reps and Camden 3 Branch for securing an improved pay offer from the company to the backdrop of a major reorganisation.

The following offer has been tabled by the company:

An increase of 2.5%, effective 1st April 2017 and a commitment to enter into talks in October 2017 on reducing the working week from 40 to 35 hours without loss of pay.

Work life balance dispute ACAS update

Your union RMT entered into dispute yesterday over management's failure to adhere to agreements made in the last pay deal.

These are as follows:
- Failure to allow a referendum on the 4 Day trail on the Jubilee line when it finishes in September.
- Failure to introduce a range of pro rota working arrangements to enhance T/ops work life balance.
- Failure to give your Union assurances in regard to no increases in Weekend working for existing T/ops.

Talks are ongoing at ACAS and your Union will update you on any developments,

TfL pay offer rejected


In line with union policy, a pay claim for an increase in pay and improved terms and conditions was submitted to the company. The Regional Organiser has met with them and the following offer has been tabled:-

RMT in dispute over tube driver work life balance concerns


Since the 2015 pay settlement, joint discussions regarding the post-agreement joint initiatives for Train Operators have been taking place. The Lead Officer has now reported concerns that despite these talks, aspects of the settlement remain unresolved, most notably a failure to adhere to commitments to better work life balance arrangements for LUL Trainstaff.

Ballot of City Cruises members prepared


I have recently been made aware that RMT member Hairia Abdo has been dismissed from her employment at City Cruises. It is the view of our members that this decision is overly harsh and is an example of management applying the strongest possible sanction without proper consideration of all the circumstances.