RMT Upfront September 2017: Health and Safety news

RMT Upfront is the newsletter for Tube drivers from RMT activists.  In this health and safety edition:

  • Terrorist attack at Parson’s Green, management response highlights shortcomings
  • Not HOT, and what’s WHAT?
  • Flash & dash rehashed
  • Role out of training is not good enough
  • Radios and suspect packages
  • SPAD Rule Amalgamation
  • Cab Security

Please distribute the newsletter in your workplace and share it online.

RMT alarmed at TfL programme of job and financial cuts

TfL logo and building

TFL Transformation

We note the report from our Lead Officer and are alarmed at the programme of job and financial cuts TfL are soon to be embarking on, which will affect both our hardworking members and the service to the travelling public.

We submit the matter into our Southern Sub-Committee for examination and report.

Relevant Branches and the London Transport Regional Council to be advised.

Neasden Branch October Meeting - VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION!

Due to a change of dates for the Tottenham Hotspur v West Ham fixture at Wembley Stadium, the function room at The Torch Pub is no longer available on Wednesday 25th October, so the meeting will now be held on TUESDAY 24TH OCTOBER at 16:00 instead.

Apologies for this 2nd change in date, but as you can appreciate this was completely out of our hands.

Nominations for Functional Positions will take place at this branch meeting so please make every effort to attend.

RMT Upfront: Danny Davis Special

RMT Upfront is the newsletter for London Underground drivers from RMT activists.  In this special edition focusing on the case of train driver Danny Davis:

  • Danny Davis Reinstated, Fight continues to get him back on the front of a train
  • The Incident
  • Danny Reinstated
  • CCTV obscured
  • The ballot results
  • Trains meeting report

Please downlosd the newsletter and distribute it in your workplace, or share this article online.


Meeting called to discuss TUPE transfer of workers from Tube Lines to London Underground

PROPOSED TUPE TRANSFER OF AP JNP FROM TUBE LINES TO LONDON UNDERGROUND LTD (formerly Termination of Amey Maintenance Contract – Tube Lines AP JNP)

We note the correspondence from the company dated 14th September 2017 and instruct the General Secretary to place a report before this NEC.

Further, we instruct the General Secretary to arrange a meeting of all infrastructure, maintenance and engineering reps from London Underground BCV, SSL and JNP AP with the Lead Officer, Senior Assistant General Secretary and NEC members.

Uber licence to operate in London not renewed

TAXI UNION RMT today welcomed Transport for London's ruling that Taxi app firm Uber will not be issued with a private hire operator licence renewal.

RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said:

“Uber has consistently failed to reach acceptable standards of service, safety and security and we applaud this decision which is a victory for passengers and also a vital step in protecting the livelihoods of the skilled and experienced London taxi drivers who are being unfairly undercut by Uber.

Admin Customer Charter

At the latest MATS Functional Council (21/09/17), we raised issues around the Admin Customer Charter. To confirm, the document available is only a draft and has not been agreed by the unions. Management confirmed that this document is NOT to be used as a performance measure or in disciplinary action. They claim it is only guidance.

Night Tube and London Overground

On 15 September, TfL announced a restructuring of London Overground to reduce staff, close ticket offices, and run overnight service. This is on top of plans already afoot to withdraw Overground staff from Underground stations outside weekday peak hours.

These proposals will obviously have an impact on London Underground stations which interchange with London Overground, so RMT is insisting to LUL that it tells the union the details and discusses potential issues. Make sure that you talk to your RMT rep or go to your branch meeting to voice your concerns.

Night Tube staff - Don't face management alone: use your union rep!

Called to a Local Disciplinary Interview? Or a case conference? Got a meeting with management to discuss your Flexible Working application? Or your grievance? Make sure that an RMT representative comes with you!

Sometimes, Night Tube staff think that the union can not provide them with a representative because of Night Tube working hours. But the union can and will.