Trains Work life balance dispute ACAS update

The RMT entered into a dispute with London Underground in August as tube bosses had failed to deliver on agreements they made as a part of our 2015 pay deal.

Your union wanted to negotiate alongside Aslef but for several days they refused to share a room with us at ACAS. On one occasion they walked out early in the day so your RMT negotiators where left to meet with management separately to push for a resolution. It was only at the final stage that both the RMT and Aslef met management collectively.

The RMT has secured the following offers at ACAS:

ISS DLR breach of agreements leads to dispute

We note the breakdown in industrial relations with the company and their breach of agreements across several issues.

This is totally unacceptable to this union and our members at ISS DLR; and we instruct the General Secretary to prepare a ballot matrix of all members and inform the company that a dispute situation now exists between us and the company.

Members to be advised by email and text.

Our Docklands Light Railway Branch and the London Transport Regional Council to be advised.

Bakerloo News October 2017

Bakerloo News is the newsletter for workers on the Bakerloo Line from the RMT Bakerloo branch.

In this edition:
- End outsourcing of cleaning
- Special Requirements Team union news
- Centre Group update
- Recognise our reps

Please download the attached newsletter and distribute in your workplace or share online.

RMT deeply concerned by Overground proposals

We note the report from the Lead Officer on file.

We are deeply concerned about London Overground’s proposals, which could see the elimination of ticket offices across their network. Our experience in the past shows that, despite promises to the contrary, the closure of ticket offices leads to the wholesale destaffing of stations with serious consequences for safety and security.

We are also aware that these proposals are being mapped out against the background of massive central Government cuts to the TFL budget and those cuts could shape the eventual package.