VGC Works Train Controller members to be balloted for strike action

We note the report from the Lead Officer along with correspondence from LU Engineering Branch regarding the Work Train Controller members on the VGC Crossrail Project whose rate of pay is approximately half that of other grades.

Despite this matter being raised as a collective grievance, the rate of pay has not been corrected and the Lead Officer has requested a dispute situation and ballot for industrial action over this matter.

Transplant Maintenance Duty Managers, Team leaders and Advanced Train Maintainers industrial action

We note the report from our Lead Officer; and that no response has been forthcoming from the company since a Failure to Agree was declared by the RMT at
the Company Council Meeting in September 2017.
The train prep payment being denied to some of our Transplant Members performing that duty is intolerable to our Members, and the company’s attempting to ignore their claim for parity will not be tolerated.
We therefore instruct the General Secretary to advise the company we are now in dispute and immediately ballot the following Transplant Members for Industrial

Transplant Maintenance and Stores Staff pay parity dispute

We note the report from our Lead Officer; and that no response has been forthcoming from the company since a dispute was declared by the RMT NEC on 17 th October 2017.

The situation of lack of pay parity amongst our Transplant Members is intolerable to our Members, and the company’s attempting to ignore their claim for parity and the dispute will not be tolerated.

We therefore instruct the General Secretary to immediately ballot the following Transplant Members for Industrial Actions:

Transformation Consultation to Begin

Today (16/11/17) your reps met with London Underground management to receive a briefing on Transformation across all work streams in scope. This meeting was requested by the unions to understand the rationale behind Transformation and establish the form that the consultation will take, as well as seeking a real commitment from the company that the consultation will be thorough and meaningful. 


Upcoming Events

Branch nominations are now being accepted for delegates to attend the folowing conferences:

The TUC Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Conference which will be held at Congress House in June 2018 (date to be confirmed).

The British Trades Union Congress which will take place early to mid-September 2018 (date and location to be confirmed).

The TUC Disability Conference which will be held in Congress House on 17th and 18th May 2018.

Transformation Consultation

TfL logo and building

Your RMT reps met today (13/11/17) with London Underground for the first consultation meeting for the latest phase on Transformation. We raised various issues with them including


  • Needing clarity on who is in overall charge of the process as each work stream has been assigned a different lead manager

  • Why ex Tube Lines as well as Fleet and Signals reps have been excluded from the consultation

Danny Davis to Come Back as a Driver

Let nobody be in any doubt - this is a fantastic result for Danny. Having been sacked for an alleged offence that certainly didn’t merit dismissal, Danny was looking at a bleak future for himself and his family. On appeal he was given a position as a CSA2, but after a formal request from the RMT Regional Organiser to the HR Director Danny was moved to a CSA1 position. Then the result of the RMT ballot for strike action came back and suddenly the landscape changed.

Improving RMT policy on mental health

Dear Colleague


AGM Item 11 called on the union to establish a campaign to deal with increasing mental health difficulties and pressures that workplaces put on our members through continuation of our mental health awareness training, by drawing up model mental health at work policies, and by providing support for workers who experience assault or trauma at work.

£8.5 million bonus bonanza for TfL top bosses

RMT on news of £8.5 million bonus bonanza for TfL top bosses

RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said:

“It is frankly appalling that at a time when there are £5 billion worth of cuts and over 1400 job losses being lined up by Transport for London that the very top brass are lining their pockets with huge pay and bonus packages at public expense.