Train driver Davis ballot begins on 29th of August


The National Executive Committee has recently considered the case of Brother Danny Davis and taken the decision to conduct a ballot for strike action amongst all RMT Train Operators, Night Tube Train Operators and Instructor Operator members on the Central Line – Hainault, Leytonstone, Loughton, West Ruislip and White City Traincrew Depots.

Use of CCTV in disciplinaries

We note and adopt the report from our National Sub Committee.



Referring to Decision No, NWW, 26th July 2017, your National Sub-committee submits the following report:     

“We note the resolution from the 2017 AGM on the use of CCTV in disciplinaries, and instruct the General Secretary to conduct a review of our current advice as it is now several years old.

RMT in dispute with bosses over work life balance issues for train drivers

We note the report from our Lead Officer regarding the company’s failure to adhere to commitments made toward a better work life balance for LU Train Staff; and the detrimental course taken in these talks and current proposals which if are introduced will lead to fatigue and potentially to mistakes such as spads.

This is unacceptable and we instruct the General Secretary to write to London Underground immediately to inform them we are in dispute, and prepare a ballot matrix.

Members to be advised by email and text.

City Cruises strike ballot to begin

We note the report from our Lead Officer and the strength of feeling amongst our Members of crew in the City Cruises regarding the unfair dismissal of Sis Hairia Abdo for what are common working practices throughout the company.

We further note the Crew Members are calling for an immediate ballot so they can robustly defend Sis Hairia Abdo as soon as possible pending a strong yes vote which they are confident will be the ballot result.

Danny Davis sacking - bosses buried crucial evidence


RMT has discovered that management did not present all the evidence at Danny Davis’ CDI, and vital CCTV evidence was knowingly buried and withheld.

There are 17 CCTV cameras that saturate Ruislip Gardens Station and yet management selected and presented footage from only 2 cameras to the CDI panel withholding crucial CCTV footage showing P-Way near the ramp and ballast at the front of Danny’s train at the time of the PTi incident.

Ballot of drivers in defence of Brother Davis to be extended

We note the resolution from our Central Line West Branch requesting that all Train Operators from White City and West Ruislip be balloted alongside comrades already being balloted from Central Line East for industrial action.

This NEC too condemns the highhanded and overly severe treatment of Bro Davis by London Underground management and note the following:

There are many comparators of similar and even more serious incidents where the Train Op had either no action taken against them or a much more appropriate sanction. These were ignored.

RMT rejects derisory TfL pay offer

TfL logo and building

We note the report from our Lead Officer and reject the derisory offer from the company which too is offered under the ‘Pay for Performance’ arrangements which are not agreed to by this union.

We also note the resolve of our TfL No.1 Branch and Reps in their steadfast position in these pay negotiations on behalf of our Members.

We instruct the General Secretary to write to the company requesting that they provide full responses to the 12 demands put to them formally by our Lead Officer during the negotiations process.

Members to be advised by email and text.