RMT to ballot City Cruiser members in defence of Sis Hairia Abdo

We note the report from our Lead Officer and the strength of feeling amongst our Members of crew in the City Cruises regarding the unfair dismissal of Sis Hairia Abdo for what are common working practices throughout the company.

We further note the Crew Members are calling for an immediate ballot so they can robustly defend Sis Hairia Abdo as soon as possible pending a strong yes vote which they are confident will be the ballot result.

Night Tube crisis looms on Piccadilly Line

TUBE UNION RMT warned today that the Night Tube on the Piccadilly line is in crisis with a serious lack of trained train operators available to run the service.

RMT has been informed that the amount of drivers available to run the Mayor’s flagship Night Tube service on the Piccadilly Line is now so low that last weekend saw only 7 trains running instead of the normal 22 – a near reduction of 70%. The union understands that the situation could continue until Christmas.

RMT Upfront Four Day Week Special, August 2017

RMT Upfront is the newsletter for London Underground train drivers, produced by RMT activists.

In this special edition which focuses on the Four Day Week trial at the following articles:

  • Four day week trial ends soon, - Permanent roll out could mean all spare duties extended to ten hours
  • Why did the trial take place?
  • RMT Charter calls for four day, 32 hour week
  • Reduced hours working

Take the debate to your branch.

Solidarity with Picturehouse cinema workers

The RMT London Transport Regional Council is supporting workers at Picturehouse Cinemas fighting for a living wage, union recognition, and other demands.

Workers at five cinemas in London, and one in Brighton, have been involved in a long-running dispute which has seen them take multiple days of strike action. Four workplace reps for the workers' union, BECTU, have been sacked.