Video: Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn joins RMT Annual General Meeting

Jeremy Corbyn tells RMT AGM in Exeter that Labour will repeal Tory rail privatisation act and legislate for public ownership.

Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn has told the AGM of transport union RMT in Exeter this afternoon that the next Labour Government will repeal the Tories' rail privatisation legislation to pave the way for public ownership.

Jeremy Corbyn said;

Watch the RMT Annual General Meeting live

RMT members can watch our Annuall General Meeting live.

To do so, click the link below and log in when prompted. Shortly after the live broadcast, the video will be available to watch again at the same site.

RMT AGM 2017

You can log in with the same information you would use to log into If you don't have an account or are unable to log in, have a look at this page for assistance.

RMT Upfront Late June 2017

RMT Upfront is a newsletter for London Underground drivers, from RMT activists and reps on the Tube.

In this edition:

  • Watergate Scandal
  • Station staff needed
  • A change too far
  • Dust committee up and running
  • Cab security
  • Night Tube

Please download and distribute the newsletter in your depot, or share it on social media.

Bakerloo News June 2017

Bakerloo News is the newsletter for Bakerloo Line trubw wokers from the RMT Bakerloo branch.

In this edition:

  • Tories’ anti-union laws scupper industrial action ballot

  • Grenfell Tower fire: working-class people killed by austerity

  • Labour election gains: keep fighting to kick out the Tories!

  • Women workers demand dignity in the workplace

  • Staffing level to increase as result of January strike

  • Early start on WTT43

  • Don’t let LU cut corners on safety

Report: First Ever RMT Disabled Members' Advisory Committee Meeting

The newly-formed RMT Disabled Members' Advisory Committee met for the first time on 14 June. This is a summary of its discussions.


TUC Report

RMT sent its largest ever delegation to the TUC Disabled Workers' Conference in May. Our motion on keeping guards on trains was passed unanimously. Several of our delegates contributed well to the debates. There will be a report in the next RMT News.

Regional Organiser writes to London Underground to raise serious safety concerns

RMT London Transport Regional Organiser John Leach has written to London Underground's Head of Security Operations Jill Collis following an important health and safety meeting.

London Underground's 'HOT' procedure and guidelines for dealing with a security incident were discussed at the meeting. The RMT have serious concerns with the responses given to both issues as outlined in John Leach's letter.

If you have any comments or concerns relating to the situation discussed in the letter below, please speak to your local health and safety rep.

Meeting called to discuss London Bridge dispute

Dear Colleagues


Following the ballot of all Station Staff members you will now be aware that despite an overwhelming vote in favour of taking industrial action, the ballot turnout failed to meet compliance with the new legal thresholds that have been introduced. This means we cannot take strike or any other action in support of your three colleagues.

Massive Yes Vote returned in London Bridge 3 ballot, but Tory anti-strike law thwarts democratic action


Further to my previous Circular (IR/204/17, 17th May 2017), the ballot has concluded and the results are as follows:-


The result for strike action is as follows:-

Number of members balloted…             3,743

Total Votes Cast…                                 1,290 (34.4% turnout)

Number Voting ‘Yes’…                          1,039 (80% but only 28% of members balloted)