RMT calls for urgent meeting with Transport Secretary over London transport cuts

RMT calls for urgent meeting with transport secretary over cuts, safety and services.

Transport union RMT today called for urgent talks with re-appointed transport secretary Chris Grayling over the axing of guards by train companies, the impact of budget cuts at Transport for London and the threat to safety of major cuts at Network Rail. The union is also calling for top level talks on the future of Britain's maritime industry.

General Secretary Mick Cash said;

Burston Strike School rally 2017

The Burston Strike School rally, held on SUNDAY 3 SEPTEMEBER is an event to commemorate the longest strike in history and to celebrate the people who continue to fight for Trade Union rights, working class education, democracy in the countryside and international solidarity.

Speakers at the event include:

  • John McDonnell MP, Labour Shadow Chancellor
  • Len McCluskey, Unite General Secretary
  • Phyllis Opoke-Gyimah, UK Black Pride, TUC race relations committee

There will be entertainment from a numbr of sources including the RMT Brass Band.

Piccadilly Fleet members to be balloted over two-tier workforce plans


We salute the determination of our LU Fleet Branch in their resolve to halt the attempted introduction of a two-tier work force in the LU Piccadilly Line Fleet area; with all the detriments encapsulated for our present members; and to seek proper ongoing employment for future members joining the company.

We instruct the General Secretary to:

Ballot all relevant members for:

- Industrial action in the form of a strike

And industrial actions short of a strike comprising:

Fleet ballot called over bosses two tier workforce plan


We salute the determination of our LU Fleet Branch in their resolve to halt the attempted introduction of a two-tier work force in the LU Piccadilly Line Fleet area; with all the detriments encapsulated for our present members; and to seek proper ongoing employment for future members joining the company.

We instruct the General Secretary to prepare a ballot matrix for industrial strike action and industrial actions short of a strike, and advise the company we are now in dispute.

Have we seen the London bridge 3 CCTV? Yes

Dear member,

It has been brought to my attention that management are deliberately spreading misinformation in an attempt to undermine our ballot, specifically, that RMT has not had sight of the CCTV footage of the events giving rise to the disciplinary action against our three members.

This is completely untrue. I myself have seen the whole CCTV footage that has been used against the London Bride Three. Indeed, myself and Brian Woodhead, JNP Operations Director actually sat down and watched it together at Lee Cornell’s Directors’ Review Hearing.