RMT London Transport region to hold courses on anti union laws

London Transport Regional Council Education News

Following the introduction of the Tories' (Anti) Trade Union Act this year and after listening to our members and reps, I am pleased to announce LTRC is providing "Bite Size" training thanks to Sis Janine who kindly has taken the task to produce training materials as well as tutor herself.

We are planning two training sessions, both of which are free of charge and open to all members.

1st DATE: 9th May 2017 TIME: 13:00-15:00 VENUE: Room 1, Unity House, Chalton Street, London NW1 1JD

Significant gains made in Fleet dispute

We note the report from our Lead Officer following the reps meeting yesterday, and we congratulate our Fleet members, representatives and the Lead Officer on the effective actions short of a strike and negotiations with the company which have led to significant gains being made in this dispute.

In light of these gains we instruct the General Secretary that we remain in dispute but to suspend all actions short of a strike to enable resolution talks at the appropriate level to continue.

LUL Make their Proposal to Utilise 325 Additional Jobs

At SFC today LU gave us their proposal to utilise the 325 additional jobs agreed as a result of our strike action earlier this year.

An SFC News with some initial thoughts on the proposal will be sent out soon.

We will be spending 4 weeks looking at the plans at SFC level and then rosters will be produced and looked at L1.

London Transport Regional Council meeting - 27 April 1630 Fountains Abbey, Paddington

The next meeting of the London Transport Regional Council will be on Thursday April 27 at the Fountains Abbey PH, Praed St, London W2

Meeting will start at 1630.

Reports from John Leach RMT RO region 11

Andy Littlechild NEC member

Spokesperson from Jobstown dispute -  Jobstown 18 socialists and activists facing jail in Ireland for opposing water charges and austerity cuts in general

Reps meeting discusses Central Line displacements


Further to my previous Circular (IR/134/17, 27th March 2017), the Reps meeting has taken place and the consensus from this meeting was that organising activity should take place across the line and the displacement situation is closely monitored as this dispute is unresolved.

Tube workers to strike for London Bridge Three



Further to my previous Circular (IR/156/17, 5th April 2017), the ballots at London Bridge and Waterloo have concluded and the results were as follows:-

London Bridge

The result for strike action:-

Number of members balloted 66

Total Votes Cast 38 (58%)

Number Voting ‘Yes’ 35 (53%)

Number Voting ‘No’ 3

Spoilt Papers 0


The result for action short of strike:-

Number of members balloted 66

Trains Manager - Director's Review Outcome

Yesterday, we met with the company for a Director’s Review about proposed changes to trains management. The company refused to acknowledge that anyone’s terms and conditions are being changed and are determined to continue with their imposition date of Sunday 23rd April.

We stated that this is unacceptable and we do not agree with this position. The RMT has insisted from day one that these changes are a change of terms and conditions and the company have refused to engage with proper negotiations with us.

Tube staff vote for strike to defend London Bridge Three

RMT members vote for action over "London Bridge Three" - Tube staff sacked and disciplined for stopping violent assault.

Tube union RMT has confirmed today that station staff across the London Bridge and Waterloo groups have voted for both strike action and action short of a strike in a ballot after one member was sacked and two others disciplined for intervening to stop a serious assault by a fare-dodger on fellow staff members including one who was pregnant. The ballot result will now be considered by the union’s national executive.

RMT Upfront April 2017

RMT Upfront is the newsletter for Tube drivers from the RMT. In this editing are health & safety articles on:

  • Tube bosses desire to reintroduce 'flash and dash'
  • Tunnel telephone wire removal
  • The unacceptable number of staff assaults
  •  The health risk of tunnel dust

Please click the attachment to read the newsletter. You can also download it and distribute it in your depot, or share this article with your work mates.