Jubilee South News March 2018

Jubilee South News is the newsletter for workers on the Jubilee Line between Stratford and Westminster, including stations, trains, cleaners, canteen workers and SMD control.

In this edition of Jubilee South News:

  • Does driving on the Jubilee Line damage our hearing?

  • Workers, CCTV and LUL

  • Join us at the next branch meeting

  • Babysitting Stations

  • Overtime - a curious case of who pays?

  • RMT calls on London mayor to end exploitation of Tube cleaners

RMT have not agreed new CSA2 document

Dear all Stations and Revenue Staff,

This afternoon, Friday 9th of March, a communication has been sent out on the intranet titled “explaining the CSA2 role.“

RMT and TSSA members of the Station's Safety Council have been negotiating this document for many months now.

The document sent out today is COMPLETELY unagreed whatsoever with either trade union. Furthermore we where not even shown a copy of prior to it being published.

RMT confirms industrial action in two separate disputes on Docklands Light Railway

Following a magnificent ballot result returned by RMT members this week the union’s National Executive Committee has considered the matter and taken the decision to call on all staff to take strike action by not booking on for any shifts that commence between:-

  •  04:00 hours on Wednesday 21st March 2018 and 03:59 hours on Friday 23rd March 2018
  • 04:00 hours on Friday 20th April 2018 and 03:59 hours on Tuesday 24th April 2018

The breakdown in Industrial Relations is over a whole catalogue of workplace issues which are listed below.

ISS DLR members to take further action against belligerent bosses


Our ISS members on the DLR KAD contract have taken firm strike action aimed at bringing the company to the negotiations table to resolve this issue; however ISS are belligerently refusing to come to terms with this union.

Therefore; given the lack of response by ISS management to the recent strike, we instruct our ISS members on the Docklands Light Railway: Strike Action

Members not to book on for shifts beginning 05:30hrs on Wednesday 21st March 2018 until 05:29hrs on Thursday 22nd March 2018

Stations Admin Transformation Update

Your reps have had a response from London Underground on the counter-proposal we submitted on your behalf. We believe that the counter-proposal was robust and addressed all of the key points raised by management, as well as protecting the fundamental principle of not splitting the admin grade. However, the company have rejected this proposal entirely and now plan to impose their original business case. This is the response we received from LU 

Senior Manager Admin Transformation Update

Your MATS reps met with London Underground last week for the latest consultation meeting. There has been some progress in this work stream. The company have put in extra ADCO jobs, meaning that all ADCOs will now be mapped and there will be vacancies at that grade.

The company are also going to open Voluntary Severance for Support Managers.

Asset Operations Transformation Update

Your MATS reps met with London Underground last week for the latest consultation meeting. Again the company deviated from the agenda proposed by your reps and we made little progress. It was a three hour meeting, with the first two hours spent talking about the proposed TUPE of 3 Bombardier staff into London Underground. LU are bringing these people into the company and including one of them ‘in scope’ for Transformation. We do not agree with this and believe that existing staff should not be put at risk by somebody new coming into the company.