London Transport Region reaffiliation debate

Calling all Reps and Activists! London Transport Regional Council cordially invites you to join us for an opportunity to discuss the matter of RMT reaffiliation to the Labour Party.

Make sure your voice is heard!

The debate will take place from 16:00 - 19:00, Thursday 12th April at:

The Cock Tavern
23 Phoenix Road
Kings Cross
NW1 1HB.

All member welcome.

The nearest Tube is Kings Cross.

Food will be provided.

ITP is dead. It won’t be missed. No more forced moves

 SFC reps have long been demanding a Transfer and Promotional system to end the merry go round of forced displacements and achieve promotional opportunities for stations members. To achieve a fair system, based solely on preference, the following will apply;

CSM & CSS waiting list order;

RMT action on Docklands Light Railway united and determined

RMT action on Docklands Light Railway united and determined this morning in fight for workplace justice

General Secretary Mick Cash said;

"‎Our members are standing united and determined on DLR this morning in a dispute that is about ending the undercutting of jobs and conditions through outsourcing, ending the abuse of procedures and defending the basic principles of workplace justice.

Piccadilly Line reps obstructed from carrying out union duties by bosses

We note the resolution from our Finsbury Park Branch; and that a dispute situation is arising due to the intolerable behaviour from management understaffing Train Ops on the Piccadilly Line, attacking our Members through draconian use of the attendance procedures, breaching agreements and obstructing our representatives’ trades union duties.

Transformation update: management lack most basic human compassion

Dear Colleagues

Update on the Status of LU Transformation

Since the details of common principles for all work-streams were agreed, we have been working on the details of 18 separate work streams - examining the possibilities and consequences of individual pools – this has slowed progress significantly as the workload is considerable. Furthermore and more importantly, we have tabled counterproposals and challenged the designs put forward to us as well as arguing points of principle.

Our objectives thus far have been relatively simple:

Management understaffing Train Ops on the Piccadilly Line


We note the resolution from our Piccadilly & District West Branch; and that a dispute situation is arising due to the intolerable behaviour from management understaffing Train Ops on the Piccadilly Line, attacking our Members through draconian use of the attendance procedures, breaching agreements and obstructing our representatives’ trades union duties.

Report, TUC Disabled Workers’ Committee, 20 March 2018


Venue accessibility: We noted our success in getting the TUC to change the conference location to an accessible venue. We looked at the detailed access statement for the venue, and I asked that a relaxation space be allocated for the use of conference attendees.

Stations Admin Update

Your Transformation reps were due to meeting today (27/03/18) with London Underground, however, this meeting has been postponed until Thursday 29th March. We will give you a full update after that meeting, but this is the latest update.

Skills Development Update

At the last consultation meeting your reps had with London Underground (20/03/18), we raised a few issues, including the action tracker being incomplete, staff we believe to be in the wrong pools and the company’s lack of communication with our members or your reps.