Senior Manager Admin Update

Your Transformation reps were due to meet with London Underground today (27/03/18) for the latest consultation for Senior Management Admin. The last meeting with the company was on 2nd March and the company cancelled the subsequent meeting. We were very keen to meet them today, but unfortunately, yesterday evening, they cancelled the meeting.

LU Transformation Update

On 22nd March 2018, your Regional Organiser, along with your RMT reps and reps from other unions, met with London Underground at Director Level to discuss a number of outstanding Transformation issues. These issues included the use of Fixed Term Contract Staff, the way the company is dealing with people on maternity and parental leave, and the way they are filling vacancies that have arisen through Transformation.


RMT driver wins Employment Tribunal - Judge takes less than 5 minutes to hand down unfair dismissal judgement.

  RMT – Never on our knees!


An RMT member on the Bakerloo Line was dismissed for gross misconduct last year after a battle lasting nearly a year. The case was a stitch-up by management from beginning to end, with a non-safety related staff error presented as gross misconduct and numerous other alleged Code of Conduct charges invented in order to beef up a feeble CDI brief.

RMT at ACAS for further talks today as industrial action looms on Docklands Light Railway this week

26th of March, 2018

RAIL UNION RMT today confirmed that it will be attending further ACAS talks today with Keolis Amey Docklands as industrial action looms on Docklands Light Railway this week.

The latest talks follow extensive efforts by the union to resolve through ACAS the wide range of issues at the heart of the dispute that amount to a comprehensive breakdown in industrial relations on a number of important fronts including:

Poster: RMT National Black & Ethnic Minority Members’ Conference 2018

We’re pleased to welcome veteran Black activist and trade unionist Marc Wadsworth. He will be delivering for the first time in Europe his Labour Movement “Liberation School” specially put together for our conference. It links up the fight for Black Rights in Britain with working class struggle of which it has historically always been a part.
Jeremy Corbyn with Marc Wadsworth

Assassination of female politicians in Brazil

A few months ago, we heard that Brazilian activist and comrade, sister Tamaris Rizzo, keynote speaker at RMT’s reparations conference, was facing difficulties in Brazil, with political turmoil and social/ethnic cleansing in her community.

Tamaris, an activist for ’21 days Without Racism,' alerted us to; 12 persons being shot dead in her local area, military rule over the police, and, personal difficulties with losing her teaching job because of her trade union and political activism.

RMT to begin consultation on question of reaffiliation to Labour Party

Labour Party Re-Affiliation SGM 2018

This was passed this afternoon unanimously by your NEC


21ST MARCH 2018




Referring to Decision NWW, 8th March 2018, your Political, Transport Policy and Liberation Sub Committee submit the following report,

RMT Women's get together

The RMT Women's get together will be held at the Royal Festival Hall, 5th April, from 1230hrs onwards.

Meet other RMT women for chat, discussion and laughs. No agenda, no obligation to buy food or drinks, bring your own if you wish.

No babysitter? No problem, child friendly venue, bring the kids. Look for the RMT flag!

For more details, please contact Marie Harrington or Becky Crocker.

ALL RMT women welcome

Another RMT victory for ABM cleaner members

Dear member,

This afternoon we met with the Deputy Mayor of London.

The Deputy Mayor has advised me that the removal of contractual sick pay for the ex Vinci TUPED into ABM cleaners ( who had been in receipt of it before the TUPE) has been reversed. This clear injustice has been rectified by the determined effort and activities of the RMT.

We now of course will redouble our efforts and continue the fight for all ABM cleaners to recieve proper Sick pay / Travel benefits / better pensions and pay as well as justice at work.