Station Admin Update


Your reps have now seen the outcome of the preferencing exercise for Station Admin staff. We again stressed to the company that the RMT does not and cannot agree to our members having to reapply for their own jobs. We believe that you all do a fantastic job and are fully capable to continue doing so, without the need to be put under stress or humiliation by having to sit an exam in a classroom to carry on in the role you are currently carrying out successfully.


Transformation Update

Your London Underground Transformation Reps wanted to provide you with an update on how consultation is progressing.


Throughout consultation, we have opposed any job losses ad will continue to do so. We have scrutinised pooling documents and questioned the company’s rationale on many of the pools. We have successfully changed a number of pools and had people moved into the correct pools when the company have misplaced them. Unfortunately we haven’t been able to successfully achieve this in all cases and are pursuing those on an individual basis.

Transformation Mass Meeting

As part of the transformation consultation, the RMT have organised a Mass Meeting to feedback to our members involved in this reorganisation and decide our next course of action.

The meeting will take place at 14:00 - 16:00, Tuesday 8th May in the Mahatma Ghandi Hall, Indian YMCA, 41 Fitzroy Square, London W1T 6AQ.

(The nearest station are Great Portland St or Warren St Tubes)

The agenda for the meeting is:

1. Feedback and Reports from the Negotiating Reps on TfL, LUL and JNP

2. Questions from the floor, and then a response from your reps.

RMT to prepare ballot matrix of Piccadilly Line drivers


Further to my previous Circular (IR/168/18, 28th March 2018) a resolution was also received from our Finsbury Park Branch and this matter has been considered by the National Executive Committee, which noted the views of Reps at the meeting held on Monday 23rd April and a report from the Lead Officer.

Jubilee Line ballot begins on Thursday 3rd of May


The following resolution has been received from our Neasden Branch:-

“This branch notes that London Underground is proposing to introduce Working Timetable 15 from 20th May 2018.

Following a recent schedules meeting and scrutiny by our representatives it became clear that the introduction of WTT15 would increase the volume of weekend working which is in breach of the pay dispute resolution agreement dated 21st May 2016.

Mick Cash to speak at May Day rally

RMT'S Mick Cash to tell May Day rally it's no longer a question of if our railways are renationalised, it's a question of when.

In a May Day message today RMT General Secretary Mick Cash says that the tide in favour of public ownership of our railways and our public services has now shifted irreversibly and that it is only a matter of time before the exploitation and greed of privatisation is swept away.

Mick Cash, who will be speaking at the May Day rally at Trafalgar Square in London today, said:

New duty schedules on the Jubilee Line

Dear member,

As we previously reported, your RMT reps rejected the new duty schedules for timetable 15 as they include an increase in weekend working. This matter was then taken up by RMT Trains Functional Council Reps with senior London Underground management. However, LU announced they would breach the 2015 pay deal and impost their new duty sheets on us.

The negative impact of our duty schedules is not a concern for our bosses as they don’t have to deal with thousands of passengers, do shifts, or work weekends. But for us on the front line, that is our lives. 

RMT affiliation to the Labour Party.

Dear brothers and sisters


The next meeting of Neasden branch will be on 16th May at the torch pub, Wembley Park at 16.00.


As well as usual branch business there will be a discussion on whether or not the RMT should reaffliate with the Labour Party. This is part of the ongoing consultation process before a decision is taken at a Special General meeting on 30th May.


Come along and have your say.

RMT hauls LU over the coals for breach of confidentiality

Your union recently exposed a serious breach of data protection by London Underground, whereby historic, and some current, information relating to case conferences, disciplinaries, sickness records, etc., for all station groups and train depots across the combine may have been accessible to a significantly greater number of individuals than those who legitimately needed to access it, via a shared “ESISHARE” drive accessible to CSS and CSM-grade staff logged into OneLondon.

Central Line East Special Meeting

There will be a special extended meeting of the Central Line east to discuss the possible reafffliiation of the RMT to the Labour party, Members should make a special effort to attend this important meeting. The meeting will be held on May 10th at the Ex Services club, Harvey road, Leytonstone. It will start at 16.00hrs. Please print off a few of the leaflets for your workplace and ensure all your workmates know about this meeting.