Transport for London

News, reports and information for TfL staff

Video: Jared Wood reminds members to return ballot papers

RMT National Executive Council member Jared Wood reminds members of the importance to return ballot papers in our dispute to defend jobs, pensions and working conditions.

Jared says "Get your ballot paper back. Once we've done that the boot will be on the other foot. We will have a strike mandate and then TfL, the mayor and our managers will have to listen to us"


Leaflet: Your TFL Pension is fully funded, solvent and healthy

Your TFL Pension is fully funded, solvent and healthy.

There is no case for change.

Brendan Barber, chair of the ongoing ‘Independent Review’ claims the purpose of the review is to move TFL’s pension arrangements into a ‘financially sustainable position’.

Does this mean the fund is in trouble?

No. Far from it.

Vote YES to defend your pension

Dear Colleague,


You need to vote YES in the ballot to defend your pension. We can't let the Government and TfL leave you in poverty when you retire.

I refer to my previous email of 10th November 2021, you will now be aware that the RMT have formally informed TfL management that we are now in dispute with them over jobs, pensions and working conditions and as a result over 10,000 of our members across LUL and TfL are currently being balloted for industrial action.

Poster for TfL/LU workplaces: vote yes

Please display this poster in your London Underground / TfL workplace to encourage members to vote yes in our dispute to defend jobs, pensions & agreements.

Ballot papers went out from the Monday 13th of December. If you don't have yours by today (20th December) please request a new one either by emailing or speaking to your local rep.

RMT concerned about TfL's use of non-permanent labour


The following resolution has been received from our London Transport Regional Council:  

“This Region is concerned by the recent FOI release showing a huge number of non-permanent labour working for LUL. We are concerned that the real figure of labour is much higher due to this figure only being for LUL and not including TfL staff.

RMT calls on Mayor to scrap TfL’s ‘cash for cuts’ executive bonus scheme

RMT calls on Mayor to scrap TfL’s ‘cash for cuts’ executive bonus scheme for attacking keyworkers jobs, pay and pensions

TUBE UNION RMT has written to London Mayor Sadiq Khan calling on him to scrap Transport for London’s £12 million executive bonus scheme which will see senior staff rewarded for their success in delivering the government’s attack on heroic keyworkers’ pay, jobs and pensions.

Denouncing the scheme as ‘disgusting’ and ‘nothing more than cash for cuts’, RMT General Secretary Mick Lynch said: