Transport for London

News, reports and information for TfL staff

Transformation Mass Meeting

As part of the transformation consultation, the RMT have organised a Mass Meeting to feedback to our members involved in this reorganisation and decide our next course of action.

The meeting will take place at 14:00 - 16:00, Tuesday 8th May in the Mahatma Ghandi Hall, Indian YMCA, 41 Fitzroy Square, London W1T 6AQ.

(The nearest station are Great Portland St or Warren St Tubes)

The agenda for the meeting is:

1. Feedback and Reports from the Negotiating Reps on TfL, LUL and JNP

2. Questions from the floor, and then a response from your reps.

Transformation update: management lack most basic human compassion

Dear Colleagues

Update on the Status of LU Transformation

Since the details of common principles for all work-streams were agreed, we have been working on the details of 18 separate work streams - examining the possibilities and consequences of individual pools – this has slowed progress significantly as the workload is considerable. Furthermore and more importantly, we have tabled counterproposals and challenged the designs put forward to us as well as arguing points of principle.

Our objectives thus far have been relatively simple:

RMT to government: reinstate TfL funding grant

RMT calls for Government to immediately reinstate Transport for London grant to protect safety and services

Amid reports that Transport for London is facing a £1 billion funding gap next year, transport union RMT is calling on the Government to immediately reinstate the full revenue grant being cut as part of its austerity measures.

The union is warning that the funding crisis could have devastating consequences for safety and services as well as impacting severely on the London and wider UK economy.

Transformation mass meeting


11th January 2018 Circular No: IR/23/18

Dear Colleagues,


Further to my previous Circular (IR/431/17, 28th September 2017), where I advised that TfL was undertaking a ‘root and branch’ review of the business with the intention of hitting a savings target of £5.8bn – made up from £5.2bn Business Savings and £0.6bn Operating Model Savings, discussions with the Company have continued.

TFL Transformation: Mass members meeting to be arranged

TfL Transformation

Following latest discussions with the company; we instruct the General Secretary to arrange a TfL mass members meeting this month; inviting all other unions on TfL to seek a way forward in line with our members wishes, union policy and with a view to inter-union cooperation.

Members to be advised by email and text.

All London Transport Branches and the London Transport Regional Council to be advised.

Transformation Consultation

TfL logo and building

Your RMT reps met today (13/11/17) with London Underground for the first consultation meeting for the latest phase on Transformation. We raised various issues with them including


  • Needing clarity on who is in overall charge of the process as each work stream has been assigned a different lead manager

  • Why ex Tube Lines as well as Fleet and Signals reps have been excluded from the consultation

£8.5 million bonus bonanza for TfL top bosses

RMT on news of £8.5 million bonus bonanza for TfL top bosses

RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said:

“It is frankly appalling that at a time when there are £5 billion worth of cuts and over 1400 job losses being lined up by Transport for London that the very top brass are lining their pockets with huge pay and bonus packages at public expense.

RMT alarmed at TfL programme of job and financial cuts

TfL logo and building

TFL Transformation

We note the report from our Lead Officer and are alarmed at the programme of job and financial cuts TfL are soon to be embarking on, which will affect both our hardworking members and the service to the travelling public.

We submit the matter into our Southern Sub-Committee for examination and report.

Relevant Branches and the London Transport Regional Council to be advised.