TFL and LUL special bulletin, May 2020
Submitted by Admin on 17 May, 2020 - 00:00Please download the attached newsletter.
News, reports and information for TfL staff
Please download the attached newsletter.
RMT Regional Organiser John Leach has written to London Underground Managing Director Andy Lord to seek an 'absolute guarantee' that the jobs of members at TfL / LUL will not be affected by any emergency budget settlement reached with the government.
The letter
Subject: TfL Finances impact on Employees, Jobs and conditions of employment
Dear Andy
Dear RMT members (London Transport Region)
As you will see below in our press release, the RMT has concerns re next Monday 11th May being the start of government led mobilisation across Britain’s railways.
Accordingly I immediately wrote to LUL, the Managing Director, specifically in relation to all TfL. The MD confirmed explicitly that this is not the case for TfL and their services, that their planning date (which is not fixed 100%) is still the 18th of May.
Dear colleague
Your union has been in discussions with Transport for London as the company plans to introduce Furlough Arrangements where certain members of staff in TfL/LUL will be put on to the government’s Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme.
The company has outlined that those currently being identified for the scheme would be staff whose work has ceased or reduced as a result of the current pandemic as well as those who are absent from work due to shielding or on long-term sickness absence.
Dear RMT members
Following on from my message yesterday, at the bottom of this message, I have attended both the LUL Company council and Tfl Company council this afternoon.
Both employers have told us that to assist with catastrophic loss of finances Tfl will make use of the Governments "Job Retention scheme" which provides up Financial support to employers hit by the Coronavirus crisis.
Dear RMT members
At 5pm today myself and NEC member Jared Wood attended a Tfl briefing by Directors on the impact of the Corona virus on revenue and finance in Tfl.
Tfl told us that they have been hit catastrophically by the loss of revenue and also are spending £600million every 4 weeks keeping Tfl operating.
Tfl have been in talks with the government on financial support and those negotiations are still in hand.
Emergency company councils have been called tomorrow.
RMT London Transport Regional Council Disabled Members Covid-19 Bulletin no.2
also attached as PDF and Word files
A reminder:
TfL and London Underground Ltd have confirmed that if you are staying away from work in line with government health advice, the company supports you in doing that and you will not lose pay or suffer any detriment.
This includes staying away from work if:
Today, RMT has sent this email to Transport for London:
Steps Into Work has today informed its students that the programme is suspended until September.
The TfL Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Trade Union Engagement Forum met on 29 January. RMT was represented by Janine Booth, Paul Greany, Jamie Parry and Daniel Randall (a last-minute stand-in for Glen Hart).
RMT tabled five issues for discussion. The other unions did not table any items, but ASLEF, TSSA and Unite did attend, and supported RMT’s demands.
1. Recognition of new name/gender
That we note that the company have produced and sent the union a document entitled ‘TfL Work-Related Violence and Aggression Strategy’.
We instruct the General Secretary to circulate the document to our Stations and Trains Tier 2 Safety Council Representatives and arrange an urgent meeting of our Stations and Trains Tier 2 Safety Council Representatives, Lead Officer, Senior Assistant General Secretary and members of the NEC in attendance.
Members to be advised by email & text.