Transport for London

News, reports and information for TfL staff

Vital we defend final salary defined benefit TFL Pension Fund

Dear Colleagues,


Further to my email of 15th July 2021, the RMT has today received the Terms of Reference document from Transport for London setting out how they intend to process and conduct the review into the Transport for London Pension Fund. Your National Executive Committee will consider this matter and I will update you accordingly.

Report: TfL Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Forum, 9 June

TfL Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Trade Union Engagement Forum, 9 June 2021

Report from Janine Booth (RMT)


After a long break, the Forum met on Teams on 9 June 2021. Janine Booth and Glen Hart attended on behalf of RMT. ASLEF, TSSA and Unite were also present, but other TfL unions were not. This forum is separate from the collective bargaining machinery, but more sharing of information between them would be helpful.

This open attack on London's transport workers must be fought

Dear colleague,

TFL: No cuts, no austerity - unity is strength

This morning, your Regional Organiser and London Underground reps met with LU management to discuss the company's response to the government's funding settlement with TfL. At the meeting, London Underground managers invited the unions to work with them on implementing cuts.

RMT was absolutely clear in response. We told them that there was no question of this union colluding in implementing cuts in jobs, pay or terms and conditions.

Funding deal a "shabby political attempt to strangle TfL and punish working people‎"

RMT blasts latest government drip-feed deal as further blow for London’s Transport
Transport union RMT today slammed the government for imposing yet another short-term funding deal on Transport for London which continues to make vital support for public transport conditional on more damaging austerity attacks on workers.

The latest deal lasts until 18 May, meaning that TfL is in almost continuous negotiation and heroic keyworkers who have worked through the pandemic are left wondering about their future.

RMT welcomes London Travelwatch report

RMT welcomes London Travelwatch report but warns it will go nowhere without Government funding

TRANSPORT UNION RMT welcomed the publication of London Travelwatch’s report into the future of public transport in the capital but warned that without a change of approach from Government toward TfL it will go nowhere.

Long service award changes


Further to Circular IR/134/17, 27th March 2017, correspondence has been received from TfL concerning changes they intend to make to Long Service Awards.

RMT leaflet: defending the TfL pension fund

Dear Colleagues,


You will be aware that the RMT sent an email to our LUL members on 4th January 2021 outlining our disgust and opposition to the findings of the Independent Panel Review in respect of the TfL Pension Fund. As you will recall the Independent Panel Review makes the assumption that the TfL Pension Fund is expensive, outdated and must be reformed, a suggestion that this union totally rejects.

TfL Financial Sustainability Plan massive missed opportunity and capitulation to Tory austerity

RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said;

“This Financial Sustainability Plan is a massive missed opportunity and a capitulation to Tory austerity. TfL could have used this moment to aggressively make the case for setting its funding on a completely new basis, recognising the failure of fare box model and making the case for public funding that recognises the public interest in London’s mass transit system.