
Defend Our Rep Ian Stewart

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Why is London Underground sponsoring a complaint made by the owner of this offensive avatar that adorns the twitter account of the ludicrously named "busting4aslash"? Mr. Slash is a troll. Mr. Slash has
an offensive avatar, that depicts what would be, if done in real life, a criminal offence, for sure.

ETF Women's Committee - Campaigns and Other Business

More from the ETF Women's Committee meeting on 19-20 March 2014

  • Women's Health and Safety at Work
  • Violence Against Women
  • International Transport Workers Federation (ITF) report
  • Women's representation
  • Membership questionnaire
  • Training package
  • European TUC report
  • Rule changes
  • Study on discrimination
  • Next meeting

    Women's Health and Safety at Work

  • ETF Women's Committee: section and country reports

    The ETF Women's Committee meeting on 19-20 March 2014 heard the following reports:


    Civil aviation
    Unions are campaigning for a non-punitive reporting system, and demanding consistency of workplace rules across all grades, from cabin crew (female-dominated) to pilots (male-dominated).


    • Working in ports is very ‘women-unfriendly’. The unions are raising two main issues: the recruitment of women to port jobs; and improving working conditions for women.

    Report: European Parliament Public Hearing on Work-Life Balance and Gender Equality

    On Wednesday 18 March, the ETF Women’s Committee attended a public hearing on Work-Life Balance and Gender Equality, held by the European Parliament’s Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality. Click this link for event information, including some of the speakers' presentations. The afternoon was divided into two sessions, each addressed by a panel of speakers followed by a question-and-answer session.

    March RMTlondoncalling newsletter

    The latest edition of rmtlondoncalling is attached
    Please download and distribute around your workplace

    Johnson steps up the ante - Piccadilly line to be "driver free" by 2016

    Ticket offices actually account for 20% of tickets sold, not 3% as Cameron and LUL want us to believe

    Tubelines staff at Northfields DT to be balloted

    Cleaners to ballot over fingerprinting issue

    World class tube = world class queues

    This is the queue at Kings Cross on Sat Feb 22
    Not sure where it starts - but an average wait was reported to be over 15 minutes
    How can we treat our customers so shabbily?
    And what should we do to rectify?
    Open more ticket office windows, don't close them all would be the appropriate answer if the customer experience was really the driving force behind LUL modernisation plans
    Not a politically driven dogma to reduce staff cuts by 30%

    Voluntary severance- just doesn’t add up

    The RMT principal on voluntary severance is pretty clear; we are against it as we don’t believe it’s our job to sell. That was the reason we fought so hard for the job for life deal
    Not only does selling our jobs make life more difficult for those left behind as they struggle to cope with ever increasing workloads, it also does not make economic sense.
    The measly amounts LUL are looking to give to staff wanting to go under this flawed VS system do not stack up.
    Think about it. £30,000 lump sum? Got another job that pays same/similar to LUL- lucky you

    Justice for Mark Harding- Hammersmith Stn 25 Feb 0845

    I am sure you are all aware that Mark was the victim of police and judicial provocation that is a threat to the human, civil and trade union rights of every worker in Britain.

    Mark was arrested and held for 13 hours by police for exercising his right to be on a picket line at Hammersmith during the strike by RMT and TSSA members in the current dispute against LUL/TfL's planned service and job cuts.