
Report: TUC Disabled Workers' Committee meeting, 6 February

The meeting took place on the final day of our 48-hour strike on London Underground and TfL. The Committee agreed to send a message of support to RMT and TSSA, and Committee members held a brief protest (in the pouring rain!) outside Tottenham Court Road station after the meeting. Photos of the protest have been circulated widely on social media.

Duplicitous consultation

The strikes were suspended earlier this week as a result of discussion and agreement at ACAS
The details are pretty much well known and will involve the Trade Unions sitting down with LUL and openly and honestly assessing the impact of ticket office closures, amongst other things, at every station across the combine
Rhetoric from LUL CEO and the mayor in the last 2 days show how little these people think of meaningful consultation
Brown states any ticket offices remaining open would be the exception rather than the rule

Every job matters - next steps

Fantastic support from all our members

A magnificent effort by all RMT members in supporting the action over the last 2 days
Despite the lies and half-truths pedalled by LUL management and the anti -trade union media we have shown that with solidarity and unity our stance is absolutely the right one.
We stood firm and had a massive impact on services.
Mike Brown lied on BBC news when he said the RMT had not turned up for talks at ACAS with LUL in the lead up to the strikes. He suggested he was talking to an empty chair

Support Teachers' Strikes in National Autistic Society Schools!

NASUWT and teachers are taking industrial action in National Autistic Society schools. You can read more about it here.

I have sent the following message of support to the NASUWT, and a similar one to the NUT. If you would like to send one too, please email Victor Aguera.


I am writing to offer my full support to the NASUWT's industrial action in National Autistic Society schools.

Report: Bank group level one meeting, 28 January 2014

Yesterday (28 January), there was a Level One meeting for Bank group, attended by me (RMT rep), the TSSA rep and the GSM. Official minutes will appear in due course. Issues discussed, and outcomes, included the following:

It was noted that staff were not give adequate notice of the new roster at St. Paul’s and Chancery Lane at the end of last year. You are entitled to 14 days notice of any change to the roster, and management committed that this will happen in future.

Keep the faith - OT ban is working

Mad dogs and GSMs -don’t work Sundays

The OT ban is having a big impact on stations across the combine. LUL are struggling to keep stations open and are running at minimum numbers almost all day, every day
The effort our members are putting in is hugely appreciated and causing managers big headaches.
Local managers,under pressure from on high,are trying to interpret the framework agreement in a way that they say we have to move our shift, rest days or start finish times to help them out
The irony of their request for our goodwill assistance is lost on them.

New RMT London Calling- the newsletter of the LTRC

REVISED EDITION OF RMTLONDON CALLING- the newsletter of the Regional Council
Read all about;

• Fit for Future Trains meeting proves that Cuts will Hit Every Grade

• Yes! The Two 48hr Strikes ARE in different Pay Periods

• Revised instructions for Strike Action

All London Underground members are instructed not to book on for any shifts that commence between:-
21:00 hours on Tuesday 4th February 2014 until 20:59 hours on Thursday 6th February 2014.
21:00 hours on Tuesday 11h February 2014 until 20:59 hours on Thursday 13h February 2014.

Every Job Matters organising day 30 Jan 2014

Meet Thursday 30th January, 1030am at Oxford Circus.

Please join RMT stations/trains reps and activists as we visit as many stations/depots/workplaces as possible. We'll be answering questions and building for effective industrial action.

A campaigner from Disabled People Against the Cuts will be joining us so staff can hear that we have support from campaigners and the general public in our fight to save staffing levels.

There will be a strike committee meeting at Exmouth Arms at 1530

Followed by the Regional Council at 1630.

Myth buster No. 1- Pay cut off dates

The first casualty of any dispute is often the truth
Have a look at the attached diary image taken straight from a LUL computer that states quite clearly when the cut -off dates are
A cut-off date is exactly that. For a reason
If LUL do not pay you correctly following any industrial action you may have taken, it will because they deliberated decided to change the way we get paid
Don’t be fooled by the naysayers and doom mongers
Solidarity wins
Red = Pay day
Blue =cut-off date

Cof E Instruction - Dont familiarise ICSAs/ Travel ambassadors

Action Short of Strike

Decision from RMT Council of Executives

We are appalled that while London Underground Ltd and
Transport for London are attempting to get rid of nearly
1,000 station staff, they are trying to fill the gaps with
‘Ambassadors’, staff from other, non-operational grades.
We believe that constitutes an untrained, casual workforce
and poses a risk to passenger safety. We note the tragic
death of a passenger during the current rail strike in South
Korea when untrained personnel are being used to substitute
for striking workers.