
Station grades recruitment & organising day 29th August 2013

EJM = every job matters

The recent leaked briefing document that showed ALL ticket offices would be closed in LUL plans show what a sham the EJM engagement event was.
The management were adamant that the staff would dictate the improvements to how we do our jobs
How many of those attending EJM suggested shutting ticket offices?
Or introducing mobile supervisors?
None that I spoke to. None, in the breakdown of what was discussed at the EJM
We must now start the campaign to fight back against these attacks on our jobs and our future terms and conditions

Wembley Central group - vacancy for a H&S rep


There is currently a vacancy for a health and safety rep on the Wembley Central Group.

The Bakerloo Branch will be looking to run an election for this vital position at the next Branch meeting, on the 2nd of September, 16.00, Red Lion PH, Kingly Street, London (nearest tube station, Oxford Circus)

If you are interested in standing for this position then please contact either the Branch Secretary or the Branch Chair prior to the meeting.


In the face of LU's recently-declared intention to implement MOBILE STATION SUPERVISION on ex-Silverlink stations, the planned closure of Whitechapel and potentially Vauxhall and Temple ticket offices, it's time to ramp up our organising efforts.

To this end, there are two important events next week:

1. Stations Recruitment Day. Thursday 25th July. District Line. Meet 1030, Whitechapel Station. With LU intending to close Whitechapel ticket office, it's vital to boost the membership and morale on District Line stations.

Speaking Out about Autism at Work

This is the speech I gave at TUC Disabled Workers' Conference in proposing RMT's resolution on Autism in the Workplace.

Andrew Beck has Asperger syndrome, an autistic spectrum condition. He was a golf club greenkeeper for 13 years with no problems, until a new boss bullied, humiliated and assaulted him, and forced him out of his job. Andrew won £78k at Employment Tribunal

Adam O’Dee has autism and dyslexia. He got a job through Remploy as a hotel chef. His boss bullied him and paid him half the minimum wage. Adam won £40k+ at employment Tribunal.

Help Brian's Fight for Life! Sponsored Lego Marathon

I will soon be doing a Lego marathon in aid of the Brian Munro Cancer Fighting Fund. I will be building for 20 hours non-stop, in an attempt to complete the 3,803-piece Death Star in one sitting. The date is not yet finalised, but the whole thing will be live streamed. Pledge your sponsorship (either an amount per hour or a lump sum) as a comment by emailing me, and I'll let you know details of watching (optional!) and paying up.

RMT LGBT Conference 2013 and Executive Report

Attached below is the conference agenda, slide show from the conference and minutes from 2012.

Conference report

This year’s conference was the first two day LGBT conference in its 15 year history. It was held in sunny Blackpool in a hotel on the promenade. From Skyping Ugandan gay rights activist Frank Mugisha, to our General Secretary Bob Crow telling us of his pride at marching alongside members at London Pride it was a conference to remember.

Bob Crow

Justice for the 33 - Demo May 20th 2013 @ 0800-1000

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow has not given up the fight to have the 33 RMT members sacked by LUL given permanent jobs
He will be at the demo on Monday to heap pressure on the bosses at 55 Broadway

Justice for the 33 campaign. Sack the agency not the workers.
Please come and support RMT members who worked for over 5 years on LUL but have now been dropped by after being promised permanent jobs
May 20 2013 0800 - 1000
Sign the petition at;

Article on Domestic Violence

I wrote this article for Labour Briefing:

On International Working Women’s Day, set up over 100 years ago by socialist women in the workers’ movement to fight for our rights, RMT launched our model policy for transport employers about domestic violence.

Two years ago, the union's Women's Conference passed a policy rightly deploring cuts to women’s refuges. But as a trade union, we also have a responsibility to identify the workplace implications of domestic violence, and to press this issue through our collective bargaining with employers.

Labourstart May Day party: May 4th at Bread and Roses in Clapham

Labourstart are holding a fund raiser at the Bread and Roses pub in Clapham on Saturday May 4th to celebrate International Workers day
Memebers of the J33 campaign will be guest speakers
Live music, rap artists, beer and good comrades in Londons only union run pub

Please come and support us
Labourstart hosted the online petition for the J33 campaign that received over 3500 signatories
Please download and display the attached pdf file around your workplace

Justice for the 33 - Demo April 15 0800-1000

Justice for the 33 campaign. Sack the agency not the workers.
Please come and support the 33 RMT members who worked for over 5 years on LUL but have now been dropped by after being promised permanent jobs
Demonstration on 15th April 2013 0800-1000 Windsor Hse, Victoria St;

You can also help by signing the online the petition at;

Please download attached file for display at your workplace