
LBC 97.3FM to highlight the justice for the 33 camapign

Tomorrow morning at 0650 the LBC breakfast show on 97.3 FM will be highlighting our campaign for the injustice suffered by 33 RMT agency workers sacked by LUL on 19 December 2012.

AGS Steve Hedley will be putting our case for us.
Please try and listen in and get involved in the debate.
Phone: 0845 60 60 973
Text: 84850
Twitter: @lbc973

Sack the agency not the workers
Justice for the 33

Sack the agency, not the workers. Justice for the 33!

The ruthless and callous sacking of 33 RMTagency memebrs just before Xmas has stirred some very raw emotions among ordinary rank and file memebrs.
There is a demo on Mon Jan 7.1300hrs at Wembley Central station
Badges, placards, banners and T shirts are all being made, it looks like Monday could be a noisy and vibrant demo
Make sure you are part of it
Badges will be available for all

Blog: 2011 Census

Data from the 2011 UK and Wales census was recently released. The Office for National Statistics which oversees the process says the census "help paint a picture of the nation and how we live. They provide a detailed snapshot of the population and its characteristics, and underpin funding allocation to provide public services."

A number of reports have been compiled from the findings covering London. Notably these include the 'GLA Intelligence Unit' reports into the Labour Market, Housing, Ethnic Diversity and Health & Unpaid Care findings of the cencus.

November RMT Platform Issue

The latest RMT platform newsletter is attached. Please download, print and display at your work place.
There are details of the recruitment day, meeting at Stratfrod at 1000 on 29th Novemeber.
This month we highlight the start of the SS grade defence campaign, how we need to organise our strategy to defend our jobs, terms and conditions.

There are also issues from around the combine.
If you have a story or article you wish to have in the next rmtplatform please let us know and we will include it for you. See rmtplatform for contact details.

RMT Protest At Russian Embassy Against Attacks On LGBT Rights

The RMT held a protest outside the Russian Federation Embassy in Kensington to voice our disgust at the governments attacks on gay rights and to voice our support for LGBT people in the country.

RMT's activists organised leafleting and a demo at the embassy on Tuesday. As the building is in a private road we were ushered to a site prepared by the police who were ready for with barriers in place.

Regional recruitment day



EC member Janine Booth, RO Brian Whitehead & Dave Marshall from org unit are coming along to kick off the SS grade defence campaign.

Come along and support this important event. All grades welcome.



• Next meeting 29/11/ 2012 1430 at the Exmouth Arms, Starcross St, NW1, nearest stn Euston/Euston sq
• Come along and hear your level 2/Tier 2 reps report back.
SS grade defence campaign
• All Revenue & Station Staff Welcome

The legality of a 'general' strike, striking against the Condem Government

An interesting article from The Institute of Employment Rights on a topic which was much discussed at the Global Labour Institute Summer School 2012 which some RMT young members attended.

Days of Action:

"As the TUC opens its discussion for 2012, this IER Briefing from Keith Ewing and John Hendy argues that increased protest action against government austerity measures are defendable in Court with reference to the European Convention on Human Rights.

Revenue & Station Grades Meeting


• Next meeting 27 September 2102 1430 at the Exmouth Arms, Star St, NW1

• Come along and hear your level 2/Tier 2 reps report back.

• Discuss where we go after the Olympics

• Defend Ticket office jobs

• How the nomination process could affect you

• It’s your union, your job come along and have your say



Blog: RMT Members Join London Pride

The RMT had a strong presence at this years World Pride, held in London for the first time. It was also the fortieth anniversary of the first Pride parade held in London, and veterans from what would have been a very different protest for gay rights led what has largely become a celebration of LGBT liberation and values. The RMT group was attended by Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual members as well other members who wanted to demonstrate their and the unions support for equality. This including General Secretary Bob Crow whose attendance was filmed for BBC News. Continue reading to watch the RMTv video